
Monday, December 12, 2022

California lawmakers to take another shot at halting the state's gas tax

SACRAMENTO, Calif. — A group of California lawmakers will try to suspend the state's gas tax for the second year in a row, a proposal that continues to draw rejection from the state’s top Democratic leaders.


  1. Of course Democrats would oppose this, it would help the average citizen, it would lessen the money going in their pocket’s and most importantly I’m sure it would be bad for the environment.

  2. Michigan claims to have a gas tax of some 27 cents per gallon, which places us around 29th in the nation in terms of our gas tax rate. But like all things government, you can't believe the number that they release, but have to actually dig deeper and find out the actual numbers.
    When you add the additional excise taxes, the other taxes and such that the state adds in, the true number of the states gas tax is more like 70 cents per gallon. That number places Michigan in the number 6 place of states gasoline tax. We are due to have a raise on the excise tax of a bit over 1 % in 2023.
    By the way, the only money that goes to the actual road repair is the 27 cents excise tax, the rest goes to things like schools and the general fund, both of which are currently running over 1 billion dollars in a budget surplus.
    Our Empress in Lansing, Gretchen Whitmer, famously ran the first time on the campaign phrase, Fix the Damn Roads! She tried to then raise the gas taxes to do just that, but the people in government told her no way. So now, she has decided to do an end around, and has borrowed 3.5 billion dollars to fix the roads, over the next 5 years. Yes, borrowed 3.5 billion dollars.
    The Republican legislature tried several times to suspend the gas tax, during the last few years, due to the piss poor economy brought about by FJB recklessly printing money with nothing to back it up. Whitmer would not allow it. Now, thanks to the downstate Democrats, we now have a Democrat governor and a Democrat controlled legislature, so whatever chance Michigan once had, is now lost. One can only guess as to why the people would vote blue this last November.. I have to suggest that the election was rigged, as it was in 2020. Nothing else makes a damn bit of sense, with the horrific way that D.C. was running thing, into the ground. The only tiny bit of light at the end of the tunnel is the SCOTUS, and the left is fighting to either add seats to them, or trying to get some of them actually killed outright. If they are willing to go that route with people so distinguished, imagine what little thought they might take against someone writing an unpopular opinion on the internet.

  3. Wow, these idiots have the highest gas prices in the country, even WITHOUT the highest gas taxes in the country!!! Do stupid people even know they are stupid? Glad I left that place few years ago...

    1. Even if they suspended the 54¢ state gas tax here gas would still be $1.20 more a gallon than it is in Lafayette, Tennessee.
      ($4.43 - 54¢ = $3.89 v. $2.69)

    2. I saw it for $2.60 in Portland TN today.

    3. If I was a bazillionaire I would pay for billboards in every major (Democrat controlled) city in California that read "You're paying $4.50 for a gallon of gas. In Portland, Tennessee they're paying $2.60 a gallon. Why is that? Where is that almost $2 a gallon difference going?"

      Not that it would make a lick of difference.

  4. California Republicans think they can bullyrag California Democrats into reducing a tax.
    That's so cute.


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