
Friday, December 09, 2022

Man buys 160-year-old Civil War-era live explosive for $3

ASHEVILLE, N.C. (WLOS) — A Civil War-era artifact recently bought by an Asheville man turned out to be a live explosive.

On Nov. 28, members of the Asheville Police Department Bomb Squad responded to a home in east Asheville in reference to an explosive device.

John Miller, who bought the 12-pound sphere, said he found it at an area scrap yard.

“I paid three dollars for it,” Miller recalled, on Dec. 2.


  1. Sucks he had to get rid of it.

  2. When I was in Navy EOD our unit in Charlestown SC would receive calls for cannon balls all the time. People would find them in creeks, forests and burred in fields. They would bring them into their homes and then the powder inside would dry out and be just as dangerous as the day it was made.

  3. Something like 20 Years ago, IIRC, some Amateur EOD Tech in Manassas, VA (near the Battlefield) found some Shot and Shells, and proceeded to try and 'Disarm' a 6-inch round filled with (very Nervous) Picric Acid....
    Put it in a Vise on the Drill Press, and.... Ka-Boom, Him, the Garage and half the House were in Lots of Pieces.

    When the Fire Inspector started looking through the Mess, he saw several more Rounds under a bench, and called the Quantico MCB Engineers, who came and hauled them off to the Blast-Pit back on the Base. They set Destructors on them, and all but the two Solid-Shot went Boom.

    1. Calling MCB probably the smartest decision of his career.

  4. Family friends decided to sell property in Asheville that had been in family for six generations. The home that g-g-g-g-grandpappy built, refurbished by grandpappy, and grandpappy added onto after him was in sore need.

    But the faggots have taken Asheville.

  5. Kind of torn between two choices. For new Yankee move-ins, do you give them a "Congratulations on escaping from (Wherever)" gift or a secret incendiary device if you find out they vote Democrat?


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