
Friday, December 16, 2022

New Zealand bans future generations from buying tobacco

WELLINGTON, New Zealand — In a law that’s the first of its kind in the world, New Zealand is beginning to implement a near-total ban on cigarettes and tobacco.

New Zealand’s Parliament passed legislation Tuesday that bans anyone born after 2008 from ever being able to buy cigarettes or tobacco products, BBC reported.

Under the law, the minimum age to buy cigarettes will continue to rise, with fewer and fewer people eligible to purchase them, The Associated Press reported. New Zealand health officials said their goal is to make the country smoke-free by 2025.


Shit, you'd think the price of cigarettes alone would be enough to discourage smoking.


  1. I always had NZ on my bucket list to visit, but after hearing how the gov handled Covid, and now this, it sure sounds big brotherish to me. No thanks, I'll pass. And I quit smoking 30 years ago.

  2. If folks knew how easy it is to grow your own pure chemical free tobacco they couldn't give those factory perverted smoky treats away . The old ticker persuaded me to give up on smoking but that had more to do with bacon than tobacco .

  3. Good luck with that. When I was looking at houses to buy in the countryside around Nelson (at the top of the north island) about half of them had tobacco drying sheds. Tobacco was grown commercially in the region and as the place is semi tropical, then, along with cannabis, tobacco is easy to grow - and there is no shortage of cannabis if you want it.

    The majority of the price of tobacco is tax so if the government ban it, then home grown tobacco will be produced to meet the demand at a much lower price and sold to those that want it.

    Let me make a prediction ... tobacco will drop in price drastically and consumption will increase. The fuckwits haven't thought it through (as usual).

    Phil B

    1. I quit over 10 years ago so this doesn't affect me (born long before 2008 too) but it's typical for the NZ government enacting another 'for your own good' law.

      Michael in Nelson

  4. And no idiot hobbit of NZ ever thinks of what happens when a thing that is wanted is banned. I lived there two years and found a mommy/nanny state that demands Kiwi just do whateverthefuck they are told. My American Texas Ways did not go over very well there.

    1. Some would say Texan-American. Lol

    2. People will just switch to fentanyl, or what the left calls: simple suicide.

  5. I'm glad I quit my three pack a day habit when they were less than 50 cents a pack and my employer still provided ashtrays.

  6. For some weird reason I see freight containers full of Marlboros and Newports suddenly appearing in New Zealand.

  7. And they plan on stopping people from growing and fermenting their own... how? Most people wouldn't know what a tobacco plant looks like if it bit them on the ass.

    I grew tobacco once and I don't even smoke. I still have old leaves hanging in my shed since I didn't ferment them; leaves are ruined now. I did save seed from them though, LOTS of seed.

    - Arc

    1. Try smoking tobacco that hasn't been cured and aged properly. It's so harsh it isn't funny. It'll turn a smoker into a non-smoker real quick.
      It's not a quick and easy process either. You're talking several months of curing and another 6 months or so of aging, so maybe a year total after the harvest? None of the tobacco farmers around here have the proper facilities to cure and age tobacco, that's why they send it to owners of tobacco barns for those steps. Different types of tobacco require different methods of curing - some are air-cured, others are smoke-cured.

    2. The first time I ever smoked, I took a dried tobacco leaf from the barn, crumbled it up into a piece of notebook paper and smoked it. I was about 11. It was not a pleasant experience.

    3. A tea made of tobacco leaves is a pretty good insecticide.


  8. How much kickback does the mob have to pay these politicians...
    Just asking for a friend.
    Alex Lund

  9. Have these politicians never heard of prohibition?

  10. Generally, the dirty secret is smokers don't get covid.

    Let that sink in.

    1. Boom!

      Chutes Magoo

    2. I am still a smoker and never have I tested positive for the wu flu. Taken several tests and been around a bunch of positive workers during the peak of pushing workers to test.

  11. Havent had a cigarette since 1998 it was around 2 bucks a pack. 20 a carton and I thought that was too much now , holy shit !! 38 bucks (new Zealand) for a PACK of Marlboros? Nope I will find something different to smoke for that kind of money

    1. That was the price when I quit and for the same reason.
      Weed's cheaper than NZ cigarettes and a lot more satisfying.

  12. Banning is dictatorship. The dictators want to ban cars, fat, suburbs, guns, or anything they can. No matter the reason, dictators want to dictate. It's not for our health or safety, it's for our control.

  13. parasites not only kill the host, they're now suiciding.

    whats the tax revenue of tobacco products

  14. I saw my dad literally cough up his lungs. Why would anyone smoke this crap?

  15. David the Good at thesurvivalgardenerDOTcom grows and smokes his own tobacco. Or he did, idk if he still does now. It's in Grow Or Die, I believe. (One of his books) David is also a seriously awesome dude. And a gardening wizard.


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