
Tuesday, December 13, 2022

One more reason I love (my part of) Tennessee

The registration on the Jap van was due so I made a trip down to the County Clerk's office this morning to take care of that. I was in the courthouse for just under six and a half minutes and was down 70 bucks when I walked out.
In California, it would've been six and half hours and several hundred dollars, plus exposure to at least a half dozen third world languages.


  1. আচ্ছা, তুমি কি বিশেষ নও!

  2. The 2000 Corolla which cost me $87 to register in California when I bought it 12 years ago just cost me $137 for a new sticker.

    I long ago started doing it by mail to avoid the DMV chaos.

  3. I do my registration on vehicles that qualify as antique with historic plates. $28 onetime fee. Plate good indefinitely. Cheap full coverage, no inspection

  4. I have to say I like my county government here in Eastern Tennessee. I moved here from North Carolina just under a decade ago. When I got my house, I decided to put up a storage shed, so I bought one of those metal things you can buy from stores on the side of the road. Many years ago, I lived in VA, and got fined because I put up just such a shed without a permit,, so I called the county clerk here and asked "Hey, I just bought a shed. Do I have to get a permit to put it up?" She said "Well, I guess, yeah, technically. But we're mostly concerned with big business buildings up against the road. Most people don't bother for these little house things. But if you want, I can get you one..."

    1. Except for a stint in the USMC, I've lived all my life here in east Tennessee and wouldn't live anywhere else. I've traveled to Europe, Mexico, Central and South America, all over the American west, and other places, but ET will always be my home.

    2. I’m originally from Monroe County. Can’t wait to move back home.

  5. We can do it by mail here in East Texas....about the money, too,

    1. I can mail mine in too, but I prefer to pay all my bills, even my utilities, in person.

    2. "Ken Lane? Yeah, he looks a little scary, but he's okay."
      Good preemptive jury grooming there.

    3. I even make sure I have my teeth in when I go to town so I can smile at everybody to make sure they know I'm a good guy.

  6. AAA for everything possible rather than DMV. I don't speak Spanish so the Pedro DMV is like a trip to another country. My Jap SUV was actually built in Smyrna, TN. I'm so old, I remember when Nissan was called Datsun, and their cars were built in Japan.

  7. In Wyoming we get raped, but we also pay zero income taxes.

    1. We don't pay State income tax in Tennessee either, but they tax the hell out of us on everything else. Hell, we've even got a beer tax.
      My tags are normally right at 100 bucks, but our RINO governor Billy Lee suspended the plate tax this year.

  8. We lived in Maryville,(my wife's home town) in East Tennessee from '04 to '11. It was the best place I ever lived. It's the only place I ever lived that coming home from City Hall or the tag office I'd be smiling. Driver's license was the same wait in line pain in the ass it is here in small county Georgia. I've read that Maryville has gone woke. I guess it's all those "Best Place to Retire" magazine articles.

  9. In Mt if your vehicle is 11 years or older. tags are $180 for permanent. Beats the hell outa going in. Think I've had perm on both trucks going 8-9 years now.

    1. Nice.
      Now please vote that knuklehead Tester out of office.

    2. In Georgia, if you are a Veteren your tags, registration, drivers license are all free.

  10. Got new plates (new blue ones) last week. Had the postcard they mailed me. Lady scanned it, asked if I wanted a plain one or "In God We Trust." I took the God one as I need all the help I can get. Paid $5.25. In and out in under 2 minutes.
    Could never remember my original TN plates. New one? Easy. The first 3 numbers are a date significant to me. The last 4 letters are BJVP. Ya'll know damn well the mnemonic I came up for those.

  11. I go to what I call the local DMV which is called the Tax Collector here. Usually there is no one in there. I'm in and out in no time.

  12. Oregon for years was $30 for 2 years but with the Democommies in charge I just paid $126 for 2 years. Still not bad but those assholes piss me off raising everything every year.

  13. If you live in California a new electric Ford truck cost average of 50k, registration is over 4500 bones a year.....the most expensive truck the platinum model will set you back 90+k and appropriate rego fees....fuck that shit!

  14. Left CA and the Ex Wife for Oakridge TN back in 03, went to register my 1995 Dodge 1500, they told me it would be $35.00. I asked if that was just for the plates, nope that was all. Showed them my registration in CA, they asked if it was forever. Well over $300.00 as I remember.

  15. Our registration folks are closed on Thursday, but open Saturday mornings. Makes life easier sometimes. And, yes, normally in and out in a few minutes.

    1. There wasn't a single person in line when I showed up. I walked right in, took care of my business and walked out.

    2. Kenny, I thought you were a disabled veteran for some reason. Sorry if I am mistaken but if you are 100% permanent and total you qualify for 2 life time tags on two of your vehicles and substantially reduced charge on any others. You also qualify for property tax reduction on your primary residence and 1 acre.

    3. Nossir, I'm not disabled at all. I'm not even what I consider a Vet, being that I was in the peacetime army.
      I haven't even been to see a doctor in almost 7 years.

  16. Here in Hawaii a 'Nip' van would be $400 to register. If only Tennessee had surf..

  17. Damn that struck a nerve. Yesterday I had to emission test my 2018 Ram 2500 Diesel ($57) decided to go pay for the tags that are due at the end of the month ($657) and since I had to drive 30 miles to do it, I would pay the tags on a 2004 Jeep Rubicon ($157). I spent the afternoon at my favorite watering hole commiserating with the others about this effed up toilet of a state.


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