
Tuesday, December 13, 2022

California to close Riverside County prison, deactivate other facilities

LOS ANGELES (KTLA) – The California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation is moving forward with a plan to close a prison in Riverside County, deactivate several other facilities and discontinue the use of another property that is currently being used as a prison. 

The prison that will be closing is Chuckawalla Valley State Prison, one of two prisons in Blythe, with a targeted closing date set at March 2025.


This is the State that's been turning violent prisoners loose over the past couple years due to prison overcrowding, and now they're closing prisons down?


  1. Time to buy more ammo!

  2. Got to get the money for reparations somewhere.

  3. Commies and criminals have always been natural allies.

    1. Just another way of saying "petty criminals and all politicians."

  4. My daughter is a detective sgt. in a large metro PD. (I know, you guys hate cops, whatever) anyway, I can assure you that crime isn't going down, they just can't arrest anyone for anything anymore.She'll be the first one to encourage you to arm yourself along with lots of training in how to use it quickly and effectively.

    1. I don't hate all cops, just crooked ones. Big difference.
      I read (and posted) the other day that crime in NYC is supposedly down there as well, but the NYC news station I read daily shows the opposite.

    2. If she has any ethics, she will advise you to aquire the firearms, ammunition, and training off record (which in CA means, out of state). If the state has any record of these, they *will* be comming for you. Will she still be a cop then?

    3. NYC, LA and other major cities have not reported their crime stats recently. Supposedly it is at least partially related to a change in systems.

  5. Biden has been tutoring Newslum on his way of doing things. You know, the "ass-backward" method. For example, Newslum just visited the border with Mexico, saw the incredible fucking mess, and blamed it on the GOP, I shit you not! Biden could have visited the border on his recent trip to the SW, but when asked said he "had more important things to do".

    1. He had more important things to do, like arranging the release of a lesbian stoner of color basketball 'icon' and preparing to shove gay marriage down Trad American's throats.
      He's a busy guy.

  6. This is the work around for the DAs that are not letting everyone off. Now if someone is found guilty they no place to put them.


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