
Wednesday, December 14, 2022

Ready for a night on the town



  1. Tito, i have gone in to bat for ya, tring to fight the good fight.

  2. Coating your ammo with hot sauce. I like it!!!

  3. Reminds me of a Johnny Cash song, "Don't take your guns to town"

  4. If you run out of ammo you can still use the hot sauce to defend yourself - put some in your mouth and then spit it in the miscreant's face.

  5. Tabasco? That sh*t is some nasty-assed swill. Man needs a real hot sauce like Nando's Peri Peri. Now that's some sauce. Lights me up every time I have it. The medium garlic version is my go-to for wings.

    1. What would some dork in Ill know about real cajun spice?

    2. Hey Anon .. I'll match up my Peri Peri any day of the week, twice on The Sabbath, against your sewer water from Louisiana. I certainly appreciate the tradition behind Tabasco .. for my taste buds though, most sauces from The South have too much vinegar, too much raw heat and are too short on actual flavor. As for Dork .. I'll wear that moniker without question .. as you were too cowardly to even reveal a (presumably fake) first name. Anon, indeed.

  6. Taurus and Tabasco!

  7. Around here that would be more like a Sunday morning stroll unless there's a pint of tequila and half pint of fighting cock in his right boot. Yep, gotta chase cheap tequila with cheap whiskey for the "right" effect.

  8. Finished Basic in March 68 and checked into FT Holabird casual company barracks that cold Sunday evening around 10 pm.

    There were only 5 other guys in the whole barracks who were playing poker.

    When I walked up and dropped my duffle bag, Rasky (who was raised above a bar in northern New Jersey) handed me a bottle of “Fighting Cock - Kentucky’s Finest Bourbon” …at the bottom of the label was printed..”Brewed in Stamford, Connecticut “

  9. If that don't work, I piss on 'em.

  10. Dude. Stop skipping Leg Day. That's just pathetic or maybe he's wearing his dad's boots.

  11. WTF does he wear. Bell Bottoms?


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