
Friday, December 16, 2022

Russia warns Biden there will be 'consequences' if US sends Patriot defense missile systems to Ukraine

Russia warned the U.S. on Thursday that it risked escalating the war in Ukraine if it pushed ahead with plans to equip Kyiv with sophisticated air defense missile systems, warning Washington it would face 'consequences.'

Unnamed U.S. officials this week said the Pentagon was preparing to send Patriot missile systems to Ukraine as Russia bombarded its power infrastructure from the air.

Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said the U.S. had 'effectively become a party to the war.' 


We've sent how much in money and materials to Ukraine and Russia's just now claiming we're a party to the war? 


  1. Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said the U.S. had 'effectively become a party to the war.'

    Wait. Now its war? I thought it was only a "military action"?

    1. A special military operation. They were politely invading.

  2. Well, duh!

    Fuck Joe Biden.....

  3. The NWO in its Agenda 2030 wants to reduce the world population to 500M, here is a quick way to do it, go nuke and Russia is ready. Biden and the war hawks could care less about the public.

  4. Let's look at the bright side: If the Ruskis send the nukes it's very likely to cut down on the numbers coming across the southern border.

  5. They have been warning for months. So far they have defeated everything we have sent. This represents a real open escalation in our participation, which is exactly what the PTB want.

  6. What if Putin sold Iran a nuke to protect against the U.S. Would that be meddling in the U.S. business ? Just asking.

    1. What if they sold Saddam a nuke while we were driving him out of Kuwait?

  7. There seems to be a universal trait among those clambering the hardest for war: they, themselves, will not be participating. It's easy to support something when it costs you nothing.

    Enough of the fucking Boomer hags with their masks, face shields, and their goddamn Ukraine flags. Draft democrat kids.

    1. Yes, bring back the draft and include the women, because equality. That'd cure the endless wars desires, once everyone has (their) skin in the game. Democrats want a war with Russia so they would get re-elected in 2024.

      In WW2 after we defeated our enemies we made allies of them. Our rulers have failed, after the Cold War ended they kept Russia as an enemy.

    2. Putin made an enemy of Russia, not the US. Putin has ambitions that the US stands in the way of, and Putin needs to break NATO to get the US out of Europe. Putin's stupidity has been counterproductive and has ended up uniting NATO and also expanding it. Putin has been very, very stupid.

    3. When Chechen terrorist took over a Russian school (which probably included raping some of the girls), the US response was to lecture the Russians on human rights. The terrorist had to have their rights respected.

      After the US made a mess of Afghanistan, and a mess of Iraq, we insisted on making a mess of Libya, and supported regime change in Syria making it yet another cesspit of human misery. We insisted that a Russian ally had to be removed.

      Whatever the details were, it certainly looked like a undemocratic coup was supported by Obama removing a pro Russian Ukraine president through mob violence.

      But you're right, we are always on the side of the angels. It has to be all Putin.

    4. Anon @ 2:03 - too many people have Russia Derangement Syndrome and want to keep them as public enemy number 1 taking any focus off the real #1 China. Just look at everything Russia, Russia, Russia and never mind all the tentacles the CCP has in this country and many of our Pols.

    5. Not only is it a sad commentary that our politicians are bought and paid for by the CCP, but the public doesn't seem to care. Mark Kelly is seen speaking Chinese in an advertisement, paid for by the CCP, and he still wins. To be fair to the voters, there is a lot of evidence of vote tampering in Maricopa County, AZ.

  8. They'll pickup WHOLE WNBA teams.
    Fine with me.

  9. Yes, it's so unfair that Ukraine defends itself against Putin's invasion.

    1. Enlist. I understand that the Ukies are taking volunteers.

  10. Time for the military to tell Biden, he can go to WWIII all by himself. Also, Biden and US Congressmen are to return US taxpayer funds laundered through FTX. List of recipients of FTX payments has been released. Most are Dems but there are some Repubs.

  11. Our military shit is decades ahead of their military shit. Putin should realize that we have an idiot for a president but our military shit is hard core and about 20 years ahead of his technology.

    1. I think that 20 years is optimistic - - for the Russians. Most of what we've supplied so far was from the 90s and stuff we basically stopped using.

    2. Good point. It takes ..what....6 months of AIT to use a patriot system. Who's operating these?

  12. I think that Putin actually likes his country and its people.
    Brandon, and the rest of the leaders of the "West" and their countries? Mmnah. Not much.


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