
Wednesday, December 14, 2022

So the diet was successful...



  1. Bet that guy gets his ass slung so high his head hits the ceiling

  2. And you thought inflation only resulted in expansion.

  3. That's NOT a successful diet: with rising prices he no longer can afford enough food.

  4. Prepared for shoplifting?

    1. Mixed feelings for shoplifting. In one hand, it's cut and dry stealing and allowing it to go on without consequence will multiply undesirable behavior and demographics.

      In the other hand; the prices are not just inflationary but predatory and stores seem to be stepping ahead of inflation rather than merely matching it. A lot of it goes to pad already filthy rich executives of faceless corporations. Shrinkage gets claimed against taxable profits and now they want people to walk into the store, like cattle on a feed lot, then perform free labor for walmart by checking themselves out like trained dogs. Nah, I didn't see anyone shoplift from walmart, just paying themselves for the free labor they just performed for the company.

      - Arc

    2. A thief is a thief is a thief. Trying to justify shoplifting with store profits is pure leftist bullshit.
      And I do use self checkout quite a bit. There's no way in hell I'm going to stand in line behind 10 other people who's cards don't work half the time, especially when there's only one or two lines open. My time is more valuable to me for that.

    3. We used to go to fast food places once or twice a week. Mostly for convenience sake, the rest for laziness. Not anymore. The last time we went to Arby's, we got 3 sandwiches, 1 pop. The total price was over 24 $. I had my wife look back at the last 4 weeks of our spending on our bank account. Needless to say, what used to be convenience is now luxury, and won't be happening anymore. Even just one trip to one of the fast food joints a week, turns out to be over a thousand dollars a year. I can make one hell of a sandwich at home, for all 3 of us, for less than 24$.
      When I heard the cost of the Arby's order I was first amazed and then pissed. At the restaurant, and then at myself, for not paying attention to what we were paying, every time we went to one of those places that served food that while it might taste fine, was really garbage. I mean, I hate to say it, but I like a Ruben from Arby's. But I can make one at home for a hell of a lot less. I could even make my own sauerkraut and buy the corned beef from the butcher shop down the street, for less money, just buying a half pound. And I agree, stealing, no matter how little, is still stealing. Teaching your kids to steal is hard, if you don't draw very solid and unmoving lines.

    4. re -- Arby's
      I signed on for their e-mail coupons.
      The west Eugene, Oregon shop Is on the way out of town; I only stop there after I receive their coupons.
      About once a month, I order either a Meat Mountain or a Smoked Brisket, curly fries, and an orange shake.
      Almost every time, after scanning my telephone coupon, their register system decides to charge me nothing.
      I am a fan of Arby's e-mail coupons!


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