
Monday, December 05, 2022

They'll blame it on those evil Right wingers

MOORE COUNTY, N.C. — With no suspects or motive announced, the FBI is joining the investigation into power outages in a North Carolina county believed to have been caused by "intentional" and "targeted" attacks on substations that left around 40,000 customers in the dark Saturday night, prompting a curfew and emergency declaration.


  1. Of course the corrupt FBI gets in on the investigation. Someone will pay for this crime against humanity, guilty or innocent. All tied to the child friendly LBGQT show that was due to start right when the blackout occurred.

    1. Super! Just like J6, once again we have the FBI investigating itself.

    2. Why is it that leftist commies are NEVER investigated or arrested. A leftist can kill and rape someone...twice...and get no punishment. But let a conservative drop a gum wrapper on the ground and there is a 600 man investigation leading to his arrest and destruction. We need to start doing what the left is claiming we are doing. Our "tolerance" is getting thin. It may soon be time to let the left know how we really feel and put a stop to it for good. Make it so that any leftist will be afraid to admit what they are in public again.

  2. Asshats at the FBI are always investigating things they have no authority to investigate.

    1. An attack on the power grid is a legit interstate commerce issue. My fear is that someone was conducting a trial run of a large-scale attack on the grid to see (1) who would respond, (2) how quickly and in what manner they would respond, and (3) how long would it take the local utility to repair from the attack. This was an isolated and rural area... what if this had been one of the handful of critical substations whose loss could cause a rolling blackout to quarter of the country or more? I don't think this is over, and I think the drag show was cover to keep people guessing and looking in different directions. Diabolical level of clever.

    2. Anon: I think you may have nailed it. Watching the response and the timing provides extremely useful information.

      I didn't think of the event that way. Thanks for the post.

    3. It is arguably not true that the power grid is a legit interstate commerce issue when one looks at the etymology of the word "commerce". What is not arguable is that the federal power to define and punish crimes (apart from federally owned property purchase from the states for certain purposes and DC) is limited:

      "To provide for the Punishment of counterfeiting the Securities and current Coin of the United States";

      To define and punish Piracies and Felonies committed on the high Seas,and Offences against the Law of Nations.

      The FBI should be abolished as there is no constitutional authorization for it.

  3. Are the jihadis savvy enough to do a trial run of an attack on the power grid using the "cover" of it being a heavy-handed way of breaking up a drag show?

  4. Them local folks been plinkin' at them glass insulators for 80 years, but this looks like Ruski work.

    1. Certainly disciplined and precise. Ahmed and Pmar would be doing it with RPG-7 rounds and a suicide vest (and not actually damaging the equipment).

  5. Great. The FBI. How are they going to screw this one all up. I guess they are there to make sure no one from the left gets blamed.

  6. I bet they yelled this is MAGA country too

    1. Was there a noose (or garage door puller) left behind? :P

  7. But of course this was an attack on the LBGTQ+++ (pedo-groomer) community by hate filled right-wing haters spurred on by all the non-stop, rampant right-wing hate rhetoric from the right! Let me guess, people of color were also the most affected. Maybe it was Elon Musk!

    We're doomed.

  8. i remember when it was always blamed on "hunters".

  9. I may be mistaken, but I thought I read a story about a rash of burglaries and such during the blackout. Could those have actually been the reason for the damage to the substations?

    It's awful close to Pinehurst and Bragg. Just sayin...

  11. Once the shrooms wore off, they realized . . . SAY WHAT?

    1. Haha, you Sir, win the Internet for today!

  12. The timing of it Was very convenient for shutting down the tranny thing. I'm very much against all the woke crap and the societal destruction from the trans movement and my first thought was People who are sick of this crap. I've read some comments here that are really smart and now I see it as very possibly much more devious.
    Seeing the response time, and the repair time, and the opportunity for robbery, it's a lot more to consider than the cheap, obvious, Who Dunnit. Just looking at the timing and the very unpopular tranny thing would cause a lot of people to blame people who are sick of the tranny thing, but it's NOT necessarily so.

  13. You can pretty much guarantee that it was done by .gov on or off payroll
    Steve in KY

    1. Ditto. Some three letter agency did it.

  14. Any spent brass recovered at any of the sites? No? Eff Bee Eye false flag.


    1. Unless you're using a .458 Mag Garand, they probably used a bolt magnum.

      Sure would be retarded to leave brass anyway, gunny sacks are cheap.

  15. I had read about a "Drag Queen Show" being held in the area, so maybe this was a way the attackers were using to shut it down. Better than shooting people, I reckon.
    But the power companies need to get real about spares....many of the large transformers used in power substations are no longer made here in the U.S. and from what I understand there are no spares. It's not like they can just roll into a warehouse full of them; replacements might take MONTHS!

  16. And this happened how many days ago and some of those rural folks still without power? Dry run is definitely feasible.

  17. I live in North Carolina a few miles from Moore County. We did not experience any loss of power here. Not sure who is responsible, LEO/State/FEDs are investigating. Some key take aways from this are as follows. Our town has seen an influx of Moore County residents coming here for food and gas. There were very few generators to be had without driving some distance for one, and gasoline. I had two generators that were loaned out to folks we knew in Moore County. As I am typing this the power has been restored since last Saturday. I now fully understand that we are vulnerable as far as the power grid is concerned. Folks get a cheap invertor duty generator and preferably dual fuel type that will burn gas and propane. Also get a pump up sprayer and just use it for showering. Get a propane, or butane stove to cook food and heat water. Get some water storage containers. I have all the things mentioned at very little cost. Please don't wait for something like this, or any event to survive the basic day to day needs. No I don't consider myself a prepper, just like to eat, and shower. One more thing get a portable toilet like the luggable loo and pine pellets. Prepare yourself and your family.


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