
Monday, December 19, 2022

"You get your ass back over there and apologize"

HUMBLE, Texas - Porch pirates that struck last week actually returned to the same house this week, but it isn’t what you think. You won’t believe what they did and said to the homeowner there where it happened in Northeast Houston.


  1. When I was a wee lad there was something I took from a friend... forget what it was, but he had like 3 of them anyways, I reasoned...
    Mom marched my ass right over there... oh BOY, that was the last time I EVER did anything like that.
    Parenting 101.

  2. its a safe bet that 90% of stolen items go into the trash because the items are not wanted by the thieves

  3. "have parents who ‘persuaded'"

    Amazing what the threat of a good ass-whooping will accomplish...

    1. "Persuaded" used to mean the beating won't leave large marks.
      And the phone book will go missing afterwards.

  4. Got caught, packages neither returned or held as evidence by the Sherriff's Dept. I would bet it was the lawyer who told the parents that the judge would be lenient if they returned the packages and apologized.

  5. Hey, that's my hometown. The H is silent, btw.

  6. Next time they just won't get caught.....

  7. My sister and I stole Tootsie Rolls from our local delicatessen when we were about 5 & 7 years old. It was at Blob's Deli on Cheltenham Ave in Philly. Once caught, mom grabbed us by the ears, threw us in the car and made us apologize. It had a big impact.

    These kids though, at 19 years old, I think they just got caught. They'll just do it smarter next time. They should be in jail...


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