
Monday, January 16, 2023

America, Tear Down This Flag

The pride flag has quickly become one of America’s national symbols. Once exclusive province of gay ghettos like San Francisco’s Castro District, you can now find pride flags everywhere in a bewildering variety of colors and patterns. They fly from the flagpoles of our embassies, over our cabinet departments, at the FBI, and even decorating the White House. The transgressive has become not just mainstream, but the establishment itself.


  1. I just ordered pride flag toilet paper....

    1. It will never replacement my Obama Face TP...although they are for all practical purposes one in the same.

  2. Your right Ken, with 56 field offices in addition to their DC building, the EffBeeEye must have hundreds of them.
    - WDS

  3. They should be refered to as 'shame flags'. Shame on anyone who so blantely ignores the science of human sexuality.

  4. If you can't cross the street like normal people, you deserve to get run over...

  5. I find the "gay pride" flag as offensive as African-Americans find the confederate battle flag and members of the Jewish community find the Nazi swastika.
    told my HR rep that, and, just like that, all the rainbow flags disappeared from my work place.

  6. A pride flag with an erect feces caked penis across the front & PRIDE on the bottom speaks what they would rater not face.


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