
Tuesday, January 24, 2023

Comedian’s Oxford Speech on Woke Culture Goes Viral

Russian British comedian Konstantin Kisin blasted woke culture in a speech at the Oxford Union Society in a debate titled, ” This House Believes Woke Culture Has Gone Too Far.”


  1. Later, Konstantin said that not many people in the room liked what he had to say. They needed to hear it though.

  2. I saw him interviewed on Tucker, but the presentation at Oxford has me able to put his name to his face now.
    He's really good. I hope we see a lot more of him.

  3. He is still a left wing, don't be fooled by these people, the same league as Bill Gates flying around Australia in his private jet, lecturing us about climate change bullshit.

  4. He appears to be brainwashed about the Global Warming Hoax however.

    You can’t win an intellectual or social argument if you accept the opposition’s premises as valid.

  5. Great speech, I saved a copy so it can never be memory holed. The west has some of the cleanest air and environments on the earth and even if the HOAX of climate change was real, we have nothing further to do on our end except solve problems and create new, cheap, and practical materials. The east is still growing and couldn't give a fart in the wind for the "climate", they want food, and creature comforts; they will have them too.

    If those extinction types spent even half the time and effort on studying STEM as they waste on defacing works of art, they might actually contribute to the human species. Less tomato soup, more material science!

    - Arc


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