
Friday, January 20, 2023

Coming Home

NASHVILLE, Tenn.--A fallen Tennessee soldier killed in World War II who was considered missing has now been identified and will be laid to rest at Arlington National Cemetery.


  1. RIP, and thank you.

  2. Lo, There do I see my Father
    Lo, There do I see my Mother and
    My Brothers and my Sisters
    Lo, There do I see the line of my people back to the beginning
    Lo, They do call to me
    They bid me take my place among them in the halls of Valhalla
    Where thine enemies have been vanquished
    Where the brave shall live Forever
    Nor shall we mourn but rejoice for those that have died the glorious death.

    1. Thank you, Gunny. I do not believe in an afterlife, but very much appreciate the sentiment of your comment. Non-veterans don't get it.

  3. Both of my brother in law's parents are interred in Arlington, and we attended the service...very well planned, coordinated, to the very minute and a wonderful tribute to the former Korean War veteran as well as his FBI clerical wife...


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