
Monday, January 02, 2023

Commentary: The ‘Reparations’ Scam

California is considering paying “reparations” to black Californians who are directly descended from enslaved people, which may surprise most Californians. After all, slavery was never legal in the Golden State.

Governor Gavin Newsom, heedless of the fiasco he’s inviting, formed a “Reparations Task Force,” no doubt with his future presidential aspirations in mind. The task force issued an interim report in June, detailing California’s “history of slavery and racism and recommending ways the Legislature might begin a process of redress for Black Californians, including proposals to offer housing grants, free tuition, and to raise the minimum wage.”

To understand how slavery is applicable to California, one must sift through the report’s 500 pages of convoluted logic common to the victim industry in America. According to the report:


  1. I would imagine the vast majority of blacks cannot trace their ancestors back two generations, much less, the eight generations it would take to go back to slavery (given 20 years per generation). If they could, they are probably already very well off financially to be able to curate the records needed for proof. So again, the rich will be able to get richer at others' expense.

    1. Agreed. I doubt even one generation. Most of those wanting the money don't even know who their dad was.

    2. Thirteen to sixteen years would be closer to correct.

  2. Odd part? Most were beneficiaries of the WWII "Great Migration" when they moved from rural southern states and took jobs in the military, shipyards and defense plants. But then again, the people footing the bill don't have deep root in the state either.

  3. As California was my home state but I moved away in 96 to the east coast due to business I can understand this latest move of Reparations. Governor Gavin Newsom is a Dem and is working to set himself up to run for President. This has nothing to do with California needing to provide Reparations since they never had slaves.

  4. "Minimum wage"? Didn't they mean welfare?
    Steve S6

    1. Well, they legalized, sort of, their primary means of income, theft and drugs.

  5. All one needs to see is the make up of the reparations team to know what'll happen next.
    And btw, no matter what compensation is meted out, it will never be enough.
    Happy New Year,

    1. Free one way tickets to Africa might get it done.

  6. And when they burn through that money they'll be back for more.

  7. CA is at the point where they will do something stupid that you just cannot anticipate.

  8. If I had known things would have turned out like this, I'd have picked my own cotton.

  9. "raise minimum wage" for blacks only.
    Hmmmmmm, isn't that some kind of -ism?

  10. Such hogwash. I believe it is less than 2% of the white folks alive during the time of slavery in the USA that actually owned slaves.

    Next issue is the fact the African Americans happen to live in the best country in the world for black folks and you would think they would just be grateful for what their ancestors went through to enable them to live here instead of Africa.

    The victimhood business is good!

  11. Scott Adams imagines a neutral space alien calculating reparations. He informs earthlings that black versus white net worth in America isn’t the correct calculation:

    “If I’m going to calculate the, let’s say, the theft from the black community, if you were to measure the theft — let’s say just theft – that this slavery was. In other words, you stole the productive part of their lives, etc., and you used it for yourself. So here’s the number I need: I need how does the average economic situation for the average black person in this country and then, to compare it, I want to compare it to the average life of a black African.:

    And you say, “What?”

    And the space alien says, “Yeah that’s the comparison. So, you want to compare what would happen to the average black person if they had stayed unmolested in Africa and there had never been a slave trade. Because that’s what you’re comparing to. Because if the people who were brought to America as slaves, and then their descendants, are doing much worse than if they’ve never been brought with slavery, then that’s the amount of reparations. That’s how much they lost is all the money they would have made if they just stay in Africa.

    You know what the problem is, right? They would owe money to white people.

    1. What exactly would their income have been in Africa? Had it not been for the Atlantic slave trade, many of them would have been killed in the tribal clashes. They sent the strongest ones, the ones they most feared would revolt... And the fat ugly women.

  12. I am TOTALLY for California paying reparations to descendants of slaves, and I hope they use the Elizabeth Warren standard of proof. Think of the benefit to Detroit, Baltimore, and Chicago when hundreds of thousands of Blacks move to California. I mean, if I was living on Welfare in Detroit, I would sure as Hell move to California for half-a-million plus better welfare benefits. Then just imagine the fun of them meeting the Homeless and Illegals who don't qualify for this generosity.

    The fact that I expect big increases in sales at my popcorn factory from people watching this dumpster fire state-wide disaster has absolutely no impact on my position. Well, not much...

  13. Not to be politically incorrect or anything but this looks like a pretty slick way to funnel money to luxury car dealers and sellers of flashy wheel rims. Note, one of my 32 sets of 4th great grandparents owned a slave. Another of my 4th great grandparents fought the British at the north bridge in Concord in 1775. I can't take credit or blame for either one.

  14. How even a political asshole like newsome could think this is a good idea is beyond me. It can't POSSIBLY have a good outcome for at least two reasons:

    1. You could give blaqqs in this country free money until the cows come home and it STILL won't ever ease their grievances. So what do you do for an encore, when the ghetto lottery money's all gone?

    2. Where do you draw the line? Do I get full reparations if I have one drop of sacred negro blood? What if I am related to both slaveholders and slaves? If the burden of proof is on the individual to prove slave ancestry, demanding blood samples will be deemed ra-a-a-cist and someone will set up shop selling gen-u-wine papers showing slave lineage for any and all comers. If the burden of proof is on Cali to prove that I DON'T have slave ancestry, how are they going to do it without accusations of ra-a-a-cism!

    I predict riots no matter what those imbeciles decide to do.

    1. One thing we know for certain, a magic negro is descended from the slave traders who captured and sold slaves in Africa. Maybe he and his Wife can donate their vast wealth, mysteriously accumulated during a brief stint in Washington DC.

  15. The negro's have already cost the white's trillions of dollars.

  16. When I see "reparations", what I really hear is bullets.

  17. WestcoastDeplorableJanuary 2, 2023 at 6:39 PM

    This joker we suffer as our governor is so stupid he doesn't recognize the civil war he's about to light between whites and blacks. Blatantly a tactic to buy off dem votes and not a topic even worth seriously considering.

  18. Kali is just the first state to be victimized by this. The rest of them are also in the crosshairs. None of us working people are safe from the greed of the 'victim class'.


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