
Friday, January 20, 2023

I'm sure they poured those drinks down her throat in spite of her protests

She was so bombed she blew up a house.

A Canadian woman who caused $10 million in damages after driving drunk, crashing into a house and causing an explosion is now suing the concert venue that provided her alcoholic beverages — as she claims the owners are to blame.


  1. But that's canuckistani bucks.

    It's really like $7.42 in freedom dollars.


  2. Of course there's ALWAYS someone else who is to blame.

  3. Trying to find some deep pockets to cover her complete lack of control.

  4. I went to a Marilyn Manson concert and all I got was a tee shirt.

  5. Ten million dollar house. Must have had a dozen eggs in the fridge.

  6. Point of law - in NC, a dui that causes injury is investigated by ALE officers (we have state run liq stores)

    They will pull credit card receipts, bar cameras & if the bartender over-served, they are culpable! As is the bar. Everyone can lose their licenses & be sued if they knowingly over-served a customer

    Serious business indeed

    Still her fault but in NC the state will screw everyone



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