
Friday, January 20, 2023

Journalists and politicians.....

Journalists are among the most distrusted groups in the world, a new study has found. 

According to The Edelman Trust Barometer, more than two-thirds of respondents worried that journalists and reporters are “purposely trying to mislead people by saying things they know are false or gross exaggerations.”


  1. I no longer trust doctors any more. The denial of ivermectin caused a million deaths just because they had to follow big pharma. Out right murder. So I dont trust them about everything else now.

    1. I trust anonymous commentors on the internet who don't provide evidence to back up their claims more than I trust journalists and doctors.

  2. Journalism transforms the opaque into the transparent.
    Who does that anymore?

  3. @Anonymous
    It wasn't that they had to follow big pharma; almost all states would have removed their license to practice had they prescribed ivermectin.

    1. That was only because of Orange Man Bad mentioning Ivermectin.
      Suggestion for Orange Man Bad: he should tell people to get the jab.
      That will immediately force the left to scream NONONONONONONONO.

  4. If a journalist's lips are moving, he is lying....

  5. Tredsdorf and his dogsJanuary 20, 2023 at 1:23 PM

    If "journalists" want to stop being bashed, quit dressing up like piñatas.

  6. The difference between leftist reporters and the monkey chained to the calliope while the man churns the handle to grind out the tune is the name of the doctor who treats them for their fleas.

    Fuck them, their fleas and Joe Biden!

    1. Wow. Wasn't there a time when that guy on the calliope was called the "organ grinder?"

  7. Leftist journalism is about covering important stories, usually with a pillow, until they stop moving.

  8. While we're on the subject let's hear it for the age old asshole Geraldo Rivera.

  9. I wonder how accurate that survey is; I’m finding it hard to believe that a whole third of the people surveyed don’t think the media is untruthful.

  10. 5 things I'd trust more than the media 1 Mexican tap water ,2 a drink bought at the bar by Bill Cosby , 3 Gas station sushi .4 Used car salesman 5 A dinner invitation from Jeffery Dahlemer.


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