
Thursday, January 12, 2023

Looks like Nashville is giving Baltimore a run for their money

NASHVILLE, Tenn. (WKRN) — Nashville is off to a deadly new year as Metro police investigate five homicides in the last few days.


  1. “ Councilman Freddie O’Connell says gun violence is one of the hardest and most dangerous issues we deal with from a public safety perspective.”

    Hmmm! I think the good councilman meant to say Negro violence, not gun violence. Back in my high school years, we had a rifle range in the basement of the school. And when the rifle team had an away match, they would bring their rifles, bolts open, to their last class so they could get on the bus immediately after the last bell rang.

    For some strange reason we had ZERO shootings, whether intentional or accidental.

  2. Looks like Nashville needs to pick up the pace. Louisville just hit 10, and it’s the same ol song and dance. They keep saying gun violence instead of black violence. Got to blame the gun instead of the real problem. Can’t be hurting dem Africans feelings.


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