
Thursday, January 05, 2023

Lost Generations

Maybe we can understand each other a little better, understand our fathers a little better, when we begin to realize what generations before us have gone through. The current generation was raised by the generation that came before, and that generation was a product of the generation that raised it. And since the American Civil War, there have been precious few generations that have not been altered and damaged, psychologically and emotionally by war. These then are the men that have been expected to come home and steer their children right.

VIDEO HERE  (18:08 minutes)


  1. The time since the civil war has been the most peaceful and prosperous time humans have ever had. Sure the mechanized wars are bad, but violence and killing are part of the human condition.

    1. The historian William Federer found that of 5,000 years, there have been only fifty years of real peace.


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