
Thursday, January 05, 2023

These are the gun control laws passed in 2022

Several high-profile mass shootings and a sustained rise in gun violence across the United States in 2022 have spurred law enforcement officials and lawmakers to push for more gun control measures.

President Joe Biden in June signed into law the first major gun safety legislation passed in decades. The measure failed to ban any weapons, but it includes funding for school safety and state crisis intervention programs. Many states -- including California, Delaware and New York -- have also passed new laws to help curb gun violence, such as regulating untraceable ghost guns and strengthening background check systems.


  1. Whats that?
    I'm sorry, my "shall not be infringed" really doesn't give a shit what petty tyrants think.

  2. So they are still going after legal gun owners, no laws passed making mandatory 10+ years for using a gun during a commission of a crime? Oh, that's right criminals don't give a shit how many laws you pass, plus, there's no money going after criminals....

  3. And when there's no impact on crime rates, they'll repeal these, right?

  4. Polite society graciously allows ownership.

  5. OTOH, it is my (strongest) belief that if all children were gun (weapon)-educated beginning in Kindergarten, I think there would be far fewer gun (weapon) related "injuries" as time progressed and our country would be far safer from foreign threats, but we're no longer following the blueprint the Founders laid out quite carefully and clearly for succeeding generations to follow.
    After all, "We know better and have improved upon it!"

  6. I feel that they are just WAITING to disarm us so they can finally do to us what they have always wanted...subjects...not citizens. Communism has ALWAYS come right after the citizenry was disarmed (for your safety don't you know.)

    And I not just strongly have a feeling...but absolutely know for a fact, that armed resurrection will be the thing that reverses the communist push. Any other measure is just slow walking toward it. When all you do is play defense, you just lose slowly...there is no winning.

    And what will it single step...get rid of communists. Communists in our schools, communists in our media...and communists in our government (especially our administrative govt know...the mini tyrants). Now, if anyone can tell me the best way to get rid of a communist other than killing them...I would like to hear it. They, like the TERMINATOR...cannot be reasoned with, can not be rationalized, facts have no effect, truth means nothing, and common sense is non-existent. They will NOT STOP until American no longer is what our Founding Fathers envisioned. Hell, it's been like this for over a hundred years. Our Founding Fathers would have picked up their guns long ago.

    We 2d A. people are being tested. And we have failed. The left wondered if the tyranny they pursued under the guise of covid would be met with upheaval...and it was not. The left is starting to realize that all our talk about guns is BS. Our constant insistence that we never give them a reason to ban our guns by refusing to use them has shown the left that we are all talk. The fact is, we should have brought out our guns and pointed them in the govt's direction decades ago. We should have put the fear in them way back when...but we did not. The left no longer fears us. They don't need to take our guns...they just need to constantly threaten to take them and that is enough to keep us from really using them.

    The tree of liberty is dry and dying. Will we ever have the balls to water it?

    1. Communists aren't "in our schools". Our schools ARE communist. Tax-funded education does not belong in any republican government. IMHO it guarantees the downfall of any republican government it's in. It inevitably "educates" children with the simple rule of "trust the government." For the simple reason that if they don't, or teach the (correct) opposite, they get fired by the government, which they work for.

    2. 👍🏻👍🏻

  7. And criminals will totally comply with these non-laws, right? A lot of people are starting to do their own thing and cease caring entirely as to what these non-laws (opinions of tyrants), say.

    - Arc

  8. "...Several high-profile mass shootings and a sustained rise in gun violence..."
    Wrong focus.
    I think that should read:
    * 'Several high-profile mass [murders] and a sustained rise in [all types of] violence..."


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