
Thursday, January 05, 2023

Power failures amplify calls for TVA to rethink gas

NASHVILLE, Tenn. (AP) — A federal utility’s decision to resort to rolling blackouts after coal and natural gas units went offline during dangerously cold conditions has intensified questions about the Tennessee Valley Authority’s recent decision to double down on fossil fuels.


Yeah, because California's already proved how reliable wind and solar power is.


  1. I would say "more nuclear" is the answer but Hillary sold the fuel to Russia in the Uranium One deal.

  2. If the cold took out a coal plant I'd say the people running the plant have some questions to answer, the fires in the burners didn't freeze!
    The headline is pushing an agenda...

    1. Use burning coal to heat water to steam, use steam to drive turbine, spinning turbine turns generator which makes energy, etc. So gotta have water there in the mix and even when running, might be hard to keep some systems from freezing, especially instrumentation using water filled lines (that's hit us here in Tx several times.

      But yes, tell me one "green energy source" which would have done better. Article is complete BS pushing an agenda.

    2. You winterize instrumentation where appropriate. Now if your vaxxed, diverse federal employees don't maintain it properly that's a different issue. Exactly what happened with the Bhopal disaster regardless of what you might read about it. Multiple safeties were jumpered out rather than being repaired caused the disaster.
      Steve S6, old I&C engineer

    3. Back to wood fired stoves.

  3. We’re out for going on 8 hours today. Doesn’t happen often here. Gas cooktop and (huge) water heater. Two gens, fireplace, lots of batts and firewood and propane. Just like camping. If I get under the wife’s skin, I can waddle out to my travel trailer and crank up the furnace.

  4. Don't you love when the AP (Apparatchik Press) covers a story on energy issues and looks to a couple of broads with law degrees from environmental organizations named Amanda and Amy, who immediately denigrate any fix to the issue that doesn't include either wind or solar?

    Good going, AP. At least you're consistent.
    Consistently driving the Left's agenda, that is.

  5. the UK electric mail van scandal, 4000 vans that take 8 hours to charge to do one mail run each, 400 recharge points... And they worked out, in simple annual running costs, (including replacing batteries every 4-5 years), is nearly 5X the cost of the gas powered trucks running into a literal 1/2 mill a year per truck. The author claimed, with the losses they are running at, the Royal Mail will be bankrupted by 2030. Just in time for the Bolshevik WEF 2030 agenda, coincidence?

  6. Sounds like Operation and Maintenance issues at several plants; TVA only wants to admits to minimum problems like frozen instrumentation.

    " ...combination of high winds and freezing temperatures caused its coal-burning Cumberland Fossil Plant to go offline at one point when critical instrumentation froze up.
    ...second coal-burning plant, Bull Run, also went offline, TVA spokesman Scott Brooks said in an email, although he did not provide details.
    ....“had issues at some of our natural gas units” as well,"

    1. Sounds like a "dry run" to see how the hoi polloi react.

  7. Annnnnd when TX had freezing temps, the windmills froze & they lost power.

    Where was AP's consideration/comparison to the alternative? Because no matter what mode of power generation, if you don't prepare for the freeze, then you're fuked yes?



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