
Friday, January 27, 2023

'Russia is now at war with NATO and the West'

Russia is now 'at war against NATO and the West' and has taken the invasion of Ukraine to a 'different stage', a senior EU official has admitted, raising the terrifying spectre of a global conflict. 

The 'game-changing' deal among Western leaders to pump sophisticated tanks into the country to blast through the Kremlin's invading forces has sparked fury in Moscow which has threatened to escalate the war beyond Ukraine's borders.


  1. Replies
    1. Russia is as well. Corruption is wrecking the country, but enriching Putin, Shoigu and others in his circle.

  2. Just what we needed. Who else noticed that as much as he was hated, Trump didn't get us into any new wars. Leave it to the liberals/socialists to do this. I say let Ukraine solve their own problems and I don't trust Zelensky any further than he could be thrown. I see him as an untrustworthy dirtbag.

    1. I distinctly remember being so relieved when Trump won in 2016, because it meant nuclear war was off the table.

    2. Seems like every war we've gotten into was on some liberal/socialist's watch.

  3. My money is on Russia....

    1. Guffaw. Because they've proven so capable against Ukraine? They've had many more young men flee the country rather than serve in a pointless war of aggression. Seriously, it is to laugh unless they go nuclear against NATO. If they do that, Russian will be spoken only in hell. What world do these Putin-lovers live in? It's at least as delusional as any trans-sexual activists world.

    2. My money is on Communist China.

  4. Alarming news, but thankfully I'm a tad over the max age for the draft.

    1. Radiation fallout doesn't care about your age....

    2. Nukes are so 1980s, these days, kinetic energy weapons give similar results without the annoying side effects! I'm not the least bit worried about an nuclear exchange and neither are the shot callers that run everything.

      Chutes Magoo

    3. 3 Nukes over USA = No credit cards, no food, no JIT inventory filling, vehicles not starting, banks closed. Oh yeah, big swathes of electric grid fried from EMPs = no refrigeration = mass deaths

      Won't take long at all

      In 2 weeks millions would be dead
      6 weeks tens of millions
      6 months - yeah...


  5. After seeing the Russian army's performance against the ragtag Ukrainians, I don't think anyone in the EU or NATO is too worried about Russia, unless there's nukes. I also don't think Vlad's crazy enough to launch. I believe that if Vlad gave the order to launch the people around him would take exception with extreme prejudice.

    Now the idiots in DC and the Pentagram are a whole other story.


  6. Jesus, can't we just pay the fuckers that make all the weapons to either make them and store them until we get attacked or just not make 'em at all? There's not much profit if you get all the taxpayers killed.

  7. If I was Russia I’d consider myself to be ar war with the NATO and I’d act accordingly. That equipment has to be marshaled and shipped an marshaled and dispersed and ANYWHERE along that logistical pipeline (and supporting infrastructure) would be considered a reasonable target. This is a fight. The US is sending equipment used to kill Russians. How are we not in this war already? Especially considering I read a story re a fallen SEAL where reportedly he died in Uke and had been listed as awol since 2019….like that doesn’t sound black opish at all….

    This is nothing but a huge grift operation. And the waste byproduct is a bunch of dead humans.

    1. How is it any different than Russia and China shipping weapons to North Vietnam and the Viet Cong? Or us shipping weapons to the Mujahideen in Afghanistan? Russia can make this end at any time. Just like Japan could've ended sanctions at any time before December 7, 1941 by stopping their invasion of China, Russia can end this at any time they like. They just have to stop invading their neighbors and trying to recreate either the Tsarist or Soviet evil empires.

  8. Shortly after the invasion American Demonrats and Euro leftists started saying "We are at war with Russia". After a year of demonstrating the truth of that mantra is it any surprise that Russia is responding in kind?

    1. Good question, and one the people in here repeating the CNN talking points might want to think about.

  9. This is bad. Very very bad. VP Doesn't have much to lose, except everything, wkile gaining a few single digit rubles. Strangely yet profound the irony. IT burns.

  10. Well the good news is we get to find out who maintained their nukes and who didn't.

  11. Define "winning".

    Because, short of genocide (of "Russians"), Russia can not lose. According to Russia's definition of "winning".

    Conversely, short of genocide (of "Russians"), the current (not, even remotely, "new") world order, can not win. According to the world order's definition of "winning".

    1. So what's the Russian definition of "winning"? Bankrupting themselves through military profligate and international sanctions? They did win in Afghanistan, didn't they? They won the Cold War, too. So they'll surely win in Ukraine.

    2. "Won the Cold War"??
      Hey, we're not putting our military choruses out doing side gigs backing up rock bands.

    3. I thought I'd laid the sarcasm on so heavily that it couldn't be missed. I guess it needed the /sarc tag, after all.

  12. I'm thinking that somewhere along the line, there are going to be U.S. boots on the ground in the Ukraine maintaining those tanks, etc. and that will be all the excuse Putin needs.

  13. Any chance we can get a collection up for Russia to nuke Washington DC?


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