
Friday, January 20, 2023

Suck it up, Sweetpea - you supported it when it was the border States' problem

New York City Mayor Eric Adams delivered a strong message to the federal government this weekend, saying that the city is at capacity when it comes to accepting new migrant arrivals. 

"New York cannot take more," Mayor Eric Adams said in El Paso, Texas. "We expect more from our national leaders to address this issue in a real way."


  1. I just love that he said BuyDem should appoint a border Czar. Because the veep is a complete joke.

    1. Running "We expect more from our national leaders to address this issue in a real way" through Google Translate results in "We wants mo Federal money."

  2. Isn't there always room for more government, Uniparty?

  3. His problem will go away when all the blacks living in NYC move to SF for $5MM each. GIGO.

  4. The Mayor hasn't gotten the memo. The acceptance of the mass Illegal immigration by the Uniparty is due to the surge in cheap labor and the clearance of the urban cores of the "expensive" African-American population. Compton, California is a good example. Compton was about 100% Black with about 100 homicides per year. A Hispanic population, and their gangs, were imported. The Hispanics targeted the Black gang bangers, their friends and families. Compton is now about 70% Hispanic with next to no violent crime. Profit to the property owners, grift to the pols. The Mayor just hasn't recognized his role in the process. Like the "rulers" of the old Compton, his job is to encourage the process and then leave. If the Mayor understands his function, the wailing is just supportive theater.

    you are going to love your new neighbors (ghetto refugees).

  5. NYC is a self-proclaimed sanctuary city. Certainly they budgeted for the cost of being one, right? Or was it just Liberal lip service with no expectation of their having to accept responsibility for Illegal Aliens (aka, "migrants")?

  6. Mayor Adams loved the migrants when they were headed to red states, but now that they are in blue states and blue cities competing with the local freeloaders for the bennies, and they don't vote....yet. Hence the anger.

  7. Governor DeSantis to Saul Alinsky: “Alinsky, you magnificent bastard! I read your book!”

    Rules for Radicals:

  8. "We expect more from our national leaders to address this issue in a real way."

    They are. They're exporting the problem to where it belongs in those self styled sanctuary cities and states, giving them a taste of their own medicine. Kinda sucks when you make a declaration that fits the narrative, then others make you live up to what you've declared.

    Demonrats hate it when you hold their feet to the fire with their own declarations.



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