
Monday, February 06, 2023

Commentary: Black Reparations Inspiring a Multicolored Pandora’s Box of Intersectional Demands

Until a few years ago, the idea of paying financial reparations to descendants of African slaves was dismissed as a fringe idea. 

Now a notion that President Barack Obama once rejected as impractical is becoming public policy. California offers a dramatic example as officials there review a proposal that could pay in excess of $1 million each to some black residents, while more than a dozen U.S. municipalities are moving ahead with their own race-based programs to redress the legacies of slavery.


  1. Replies
    1. "Reparations" proposals are brazen theft as public policy.

      No official who even pretends to consider such programs can be permitted to remain in office. They will all need to be removed "by any means necessary" as the Leftists are so fond of saying.

      Let them resign "to spend more time with their families". Or just kick them to the curb.

    2. Please elucidate...I need to make preparations.

  2. Sorry.
    This is nothing but a huge race among liberal idiots to out-stupid each other.

  3. I have been around broiler houses for 35 years. They are heated with open flame gas heaters. The dust and feather dander coats all surfaces. The mystery is why more chicken houses do not burn. My farm has lost one house to fire.

  4. well, it will only make them rob each other more than they do now. no matter how much they get, it will be all gone inside of 6 months to a year if it last that long.

    1. Neal Boortz used to comment about plans like this. He said "In six months, all the money will be back where it started."

    2. First slaves were Irish... I'll take it small unmarked bills please.

    3. Damn straight the Irish were "indentured", just like Blacks did to other Blacks. Nothing's changed about that; black on black crime is most major U.S. cities top problem.


  6. I remember some locals winning the lottery. After they took 30 "close friends" to Jamaica for a month and then they were back on food stamps. Poor is more a mind set than a condition.

  7. Blacks should pay reparations not receive them.

  8. Ok...well...riddle me this:
    What are they gonna do when whitey shows up and identifies as a black descendant of a slave family and demands reparations too? Are they gonna deny him (sorry, him/her it/they...who the fuck knows anymore) the $$ because he isn't black? Then he can say that the city/state is racist. I mean...when does this shit come to an end?

    1. It ends up as Civil War 2.0 and those promoting this are promoting that.

    2. Exactly. They are whipping these half-wits into a frenzy of white hatred and genocide. That will only accelerate as more and more concessions are made to supposedly appease them, and it will eventually escape containment and the central control of those who set this in motion. There are plenty of ongoing elements to the greater collapse that are unrelated to the race problem. You know the full list. Any one of those alone has the potential to end our civilization and ultimately the the authority of those who pretend to rule over us as well. Fueling a racial genocide on top of everything else is ultimately a suicidal act on the part of the race hustlers. Wakanda is really thousands of mass graves wherever there is a convenient pit to toss them in. That is if anyone bothers to pick them up for disposal.

  9. My ancestors on my mother's side were Irish. Can I get reparations from England for Oliver Cromwell? On my father's side, Pennsylvania 'Dutch' German. No luck there, I suppose.

    1. I had neighbors from Ireland.
      The Taoisearch owes me money!

  10. This sort of thing always happens when a particular minority gets a majority of positions in the local government. I lived in Santa Fe, NM for forty years and this sort of crap was non-stop. And of course - Washington with it's plethora of chosen is another classic example.

  11. I'm not optimistic. What I would like to see a big two or three panel mural of an inner city black classroom complete with 'saggin' pants & every other iteration of black social expression. Couple that with a look of dispare on a teacher's face at the scene of classroom chaos. Next panel over several barely clothed newly freed slaves looking at the scene in disbelief. Last mural slaves have turned around & are slowly walking back to the plantation.

  12. But 30 inch wheels on a Tesla are cool....

  13. Included in that payment is a mandatory one way ticket trip back to your ancestral home land MFs. Take all your seed line too. You and all your heirs are barred from ever returning, ever.

  14. Questions is why? The Democrats are cunning. so, what are they up too, one of the answers might be they are going to sue the south for the money, especially Florida.

    1. Who do you think is going to own all those gold chain stores, rib joints, rim shops, lexis dealerships?

  15. I say we give every Kneegro 2 Illegal Aliens and call it even.

  16. I admit it. One of my 32 pairs of 4th great-grandparents owned a slave, named Jack. (Another 4th GGP, for perspective, was with the Acton Minute Men at Concord and Bunker Hill) Nothing they left has come to me, a descendant of one of their daughters. One of their grandsons did own a chicken restaurant north of Dallas 100 years ago. I will, in the spirit of cooperation, be happy to split a bucket of chicken with any descendants of that slave. Dutch treat.

  17. too bad we couldn't work out a deal with South Africa. We send them out excess african Americans , and they send us all the White folks they so despise , its a win win, all the blacks who miss wakkanda can go there and the White folks can be among friends when they move here and rebuild once great cities like Detroit and Baltimore maybe even Chicongo .

  18. Before the Panama Canal was open I think most / all California slaves came from the other side of the Pacific.
    Now that is a lot of reparations.
    Or has that word been chosen just so potential claimants can't say it and thus miss out on free dosh?

  19. Thus, one must seek reparations from Congress, for making laws that go against the Constitution. And reparations against the IRS, for stealing money from citizens to give to foreign countries. That my friends, are two entities that collude to enslave US Citizens by making laws, taking our money and giving it away to foreign countries to enrich themselves. Now tell me, who are the REAL slave owners?

  20. Cali and a good part of this country has really lost their fuggin minds!


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