
Monday, February 06, 2023

Fucking Mondays gifdump













  1. #1: What went down in this one?

    1. Plug for the vacuum was outside the door. Door closed, elevator went down. Idiot stayed between vacuum and door.

    2. It looks like a vacuum cleaner and the cord was attached outside of the elevator. The elevator descended, the cord/cleaner got pulled up, and she went along for the ride.

    3. Looks like took the vacuum cleaner on to the elevator but it was still plugged in out in the hall. The elevator then went down and the cord pulled it (and the lady) up to the ceiling until the cord snapped.

    4. Ah, took me a while to see it. The vacuum electric cord was outside the door when the elevator moved.

    5. I had to watch several times. It appears the power cord to the vacuum is still plugged in on the level she just left, you can see the door close on it. As the elevator went down, the the cord pull the vacuum around and then up before it broke. Fun times.

    6. I think the plug got caught in the door, and when cab traveled down, the machine got pulled up until the cab stopped. Looks weird man, as if the machine tried to wrap the legs and take him/her down.

    7. Saw a video of a similar event. Woman with dog on long leash got on the elevator. Unfortunately the dog didn't before the door closed. The babe wasn't paying attention and pushed the up button.

  2. #10 Careful examination shows that the guy totally respects women and their capabilities to do without a man; he just takes his beer and leaves, knowing that today's strong woman can take care of herself, thank you very much.

    1. I'm thinking that she filed that fact away for future reference. And by future reference I mean throw it in his face every time he ever even HINTS that he's taking care of or defending her, or that he's got her back, or he'll keep her safe and at all other times. In other words, he's NEVER going to hear the end of that one to the point that he will wish to his (or her) dying day that he had handled that differently.

    2. Oh hell, she's got over 100 incidents stored in memory already, this is just another one. He's probably failed her in her dreams half a dozen times so far. As in of course your ex-wife(s) is crazy, they were all born that way.

  3. Ref #9: once took a dolly back to the warehouse to get some stuff. When I dropped a case on it, the pad the dolly was on compressed a LOT, and I got a nice smack in the forehead.

    Walking back with the dolly in one hand and the other controlling the bleeding got a lot of attention.

    1. I was holding a 2 wheeler when a coworker threw a heavy piece of metal on to it. Smacked me on the side of the head, and rang my bell, but good. I saw stars and had to sit down for a few minutes.
      And of course had one huge goose egg for the rest of the day. Lucky for me it was back when I still had hair to cushion the blow.

    2. Yup, got a scar under my left eyebrow from doing that loading a case as a stock boy in high school.

      That one of those 'stupid hurts so you don't do it again' mistakes

  4. #7 the water buffalo cow seems unimpressed

  5. #1 A Ukrainian conscript.....

  6. Some amazing stunts there.

    #1 looks like that would have been painful till the plug stripped.

  7. These are ALL too funny. Good job!!!

  8. #9 stick to sucking dick

  9. 1: As I was watching this, I kept thinking, “Dude, you better stand clear of that vacuum or it’s going to smack you when the elevator car starts moving.” No way I thought the cord attachment would be strong enough to lift him.

  10. So, #1 didn't make 8 seconds?

  11. #10- Doesn't look as if one branch of the family tree approves of this marriage...

  12. #3 happened to me, inside a tractor, doing about 65, in traffic, on I-81 outside of Harrisburg. I thought I was a dead man. How nobody got killed, I'll never know.

    1. I had one pop when I was doing donuts in the parking lot of the ammo plant. It was August and the truck had no AC, so I had to drive everywhere with a window down, sweating my ass off in 100+ degree temps. Any time I drove anyplace for the next two weeks, I arrived looking like I'd been rolled in flour.

  13. #2: OPEN FIRE

    #9: See looks like someone who wouldn't have a problem finding a helper. Hope she got an MRI after that.

    #10: I remember walking my dog at the park a few years back, on a windy day. I got this strange compulsion to run and apparently so did my dog because he didn't resist me at all (which he always would because there's stuff to sniff.) Surely enough a tree comes crashing down about ten seconds later, basically right where we were standing.


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