
Wednesday, February 01, 2023

Commentary: January 6 Was the Worst Incident of Police Brutality Since Civil Rights Era

One might be inclined to apply Hanlon’s razor—never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity—to the actions of law enforcement on January 6, 2021. One might even be inclined to replace “stupidity” with “incompetence” to explain why police behaved the way they did that afternoon.


  1. The democrats and rinos hate, I mean hate, Trump. He is a threat to their gravy train and conversion of the US to a third world country. Anyone they can ruin personally or financially is targeted.

  2. So when is McCarthy going to order the release of the J6'ers that haven't been charged?

  3. We can hardly wait for the next "confrontation." Be prepared is all I have got to say to all of you. The left is killing us, and we aren't doing anything? Defend yourself!

  4. The Uniparty could not exist with an honest 3rd party, an example was made that day and it continues to be made.

  5. I think I'll picnic in Seattle or Portland this year, they are such nice people...

  6. The question the urban enclaves must ask themselves is this: how much longer will we continue to sell them food, water, fuel, and electricity?


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