
Friday, February 10, 2023

Commentary: A Lesson in Chinese Communist Media Control

Democrats and neocons proclaim that Russia represents the primary geopolitical threat to American interests. They are wrong. In fact, it is China that has demonstrated its blatant willingness to manipulate the American psyche through direct intervention of the American media.

Much of China’s power is exerted in the shadows, through subversion and infiltration. Still, they are also mastering the art of lawfare and the use of frivolous legal threats to enact their agenda of silencing opponents and quashing harmful information.


  1. Everyone is focused on that slobbering commie shitpant POS and his cokehead son while forgetting who started this mess with China. Look back to that asshole Nixon who was controlled by everyone's favorite globalist Henry Nazi Kissass. Do you remember that other CIA plant called Clinton and the owl gore? Remember the inertial navigation guidance technology and nuke secrets that were "tranferred" from California and Los Alamos. People, people, people...the communists have been in our government since before Eisenhower. Never, ever trust any politician; if they were legit, they wouldn't be there.

  2. I guess China and Russia are totally fucking Northern Minnesota, good to know.

    Within 2 weeks, Twin Metals cupro-nickel mine was torpedoed by the Feds because Agenda 21 Wilderness corridor, and now a $440 million OSB plant has been torpedoed by a timber-nigger lawsuit.

    The anger is getting palpable up here.

  3. Fuck Joe Biden and his Chinese handlers....

  4. everything china is doing, they learned from the russians.

    yet we look sideways at everything from china, and accept everything russia says about ukraine as truth handed down from god.

    sometimes I wonder if we are actually self-aware.

  5. Given a choice between China or the Russian Federation being the country that will be the first one to cause a war between them and the U.S., it is China all day long. Putin might be what many Americans believe to be a crazy warmonger, but that is far from the truth. He is a pragmatic leader, who knows that a war against America is a losing proposition.
    The CCP, on the other hand, controls much of American goods and industry, via their technological expertise, which they could shutdown in a short time, via the supply side of things. Just looking at our tanks, which are the best around, they are not like the tanks that your grandfathers used. They are complex, heavily dependent on computer power, and take highly trained operators to run. If the Chinese stop all exports of the computer parts that are used by these modern miracles, the upkeep on them would likely come to a halt, within a short period of time. Now multiply that to the rest of our armaments that are high tech, and need constant maintenance, using computer parts etc. and you can see the possible problem in a fighting war with China.

  6. I thought the '80s wanted their foreign policy back.

  7. If only Americans were, still, being colonized by the right kind of foreigners.
    Instead of their looting competitors, the wrong kind of foreigners.


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