
Tuesday, February 28, 2023

Damn, I love this State

NASHVILLE, Tenn. (WZTV) — A Tennessee Senator is sponsoring a bill that would let students carry firearms on college campuses across the state.


  1. Yep, what a difference. In California, school districts used to be able to allow their staff and teachers to carry in their schools if they wanted to protect their kids and were qualified to do so. The state legislature put an end to that.

    If there is ever a shooting in any of the three districts that were forced to end their carry policy the blood will be on the hands of the Democrats that voted to end it.

  2. Been legal to carry on campus in Texas for a few years now. Amazingly, the rivers of blood they always predict haven't materialized.

  3. Yaaay! Go Tennessee

  4. Yay, but such a law should not even be required...something about shall not be infringed.

  5. "at least 18 if they are a veteran."

    If someone is a 'veteran' at 18 they probably failed basic training. Yeah, I want that person to carry. If you did a three year enlistment you're 21 anyway.

    1. And Tennessee just got slapped down for denying 18-20 year-olds from carrying a handgun or applying for a permit.


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