
Monday, February 06, 2023

Did 7.5 million people die from COVID shots?

There is simply no macro epidemiological evidence that the COVID jabs saved any lives from the virus. To the contrary, there are numerous data points showing negative efficacy. Moreover, over 70% of the 6.75 million recorded COVID deaths occurred precisely after the shots were unleashed. In fact, many parts of the world that barely experienced COVID deaths during the first year, such as Scandinavia, Australia, and far East Asia, incurred almost all of their deaths after the shots were in the arms of every senior. So now that we established there was no mortality benefit, what was the cost? What if I told you it was 7.5 million – even more than the recorded number of COVID deaths?


  1. and what's going to be done about these (what are essentially because of mandates) murders?

    1. Ask the king of Thailand what he is doing...
      Across the board, one day people are going to wake up to what was knowingly, willfully, deliberately done to them. Then the purge will come, and purebloods shall dance on their graves!

  2. There won't be enough lamp posts....

  3. When the people get angry....

  4. They didn't attribute deaths to Wuflu or vaccine damages for the vaccinated , just those icky unvaxexed. The statistics and figures say what they want it so say. Most of those people died of unexplained sudden death.

  5. Oh Gee! I'm sorry that information has been labeled as misinformation and is being deleted.

    In 5_4_3_ 2_...

  6. No one will hear of it past this blog & a couple of others.

  7. Let us all remember Trump is the one who unleashed this terror upon us!

    1. Lmao. Like Trump knew anything about vaccines other than what his “trusted” advisors told him.

    2. Yessir.
      I don't fault him for (trying to) develop a vaccine, I do however fault him for bragging on and still pushing it.
      Nobody but Don knows for sure what Trump thinks. We're all guessing, and you either give him the benefit of the doubt or not, for his actions while in office. However to be still pushing the death shot and proudly saying you developed it today? Either he was a part of the plan (from day 1), a baffoon, or so ego maniacal, he shouldn't be in office again.

    3. Let's all remember that the fraud and horror were not exposed until after President Trump left office. Biden has had two years to correct this and has done nothing.

    4. FJB pushed a mandate! Many good hard working people lost careers! FJB!

    5. Anthony Fauci unleashed this terror on us. Fauci's gain of function experiments are responsible for this. He's what would be referred to as a mad scientist if this was dystopian fiction. Trump was fooled just like many others. Trump "followed the science" and relied on the expertise of his science and medical advisors, who, it turns out, are monsters.

  8. Horowitz was always good on freedom issues, but when the coof came about, he became a beast. He dove into the papers, interviewed doctors and scientists, the works. I learned more from his podcast than just about anywhere else.

  9. I read an article recently about a study done in England on who's getting sick, hospitalized and/or dying from Covid. It's not the unjabbed.

    I had what I believe was Omicron over Christmas 2022. I didn't have the strength to get in my car to get tested, not that I could get a testing appointment anyway or trusted myself to be able to control my car with the almost complete lack of strength I experienced. I slept, a lot.

    I heavily dosed myself with Vit C, D and Zinc and was back to 90% by day five.


  10. Thank you for sharing this. I followed many of the links to more good information. Most of your readers have been aware of the dangers for quite some time, however the more people who see this the better. Take care everyone.


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