
Wednesday, February 15, 2023

Fatherless Children, Dangerous Cities: Numbers Confirm Deep Roots of Urban Crime Epidemic

As Just the News recently reported, the U.S. is now home to 11 of the top 50 most dangerous cities in the world. All 11, as the piece noted, are governed by Democratic mayors. All 11 also have Democratic district attorneys. 

Permissive criminal justice policies are widely thought to be large factors driving such grim statistics. Dig a little deeper, however, and an even more important cause of the crime epidemic plaguing blue cities comes into sharp focus: Many of these cities are also home to a staggering percentage of single-parent households, the great majority of which are headed by single mothers.


  1. With the government subsidizing single-motherhood, what do you expect?

  2. If you charted 'White Racism' over the last fifty years, I think you would see that it almost completely disappeared twenty years ago, but started to climb again 15 years ago especially when a certain 'Black' American Communist was elected to the presidency.
    The Democrats were afraid for a while that if White Racism did expire they'd actually have to find another hobby horse to ride. But they were able to resuscitate it.
    The key to building White Racism back up, was holding up virulent Black Racism as a standard and a goal.
    You tend to hate the people that hate you.

  3. Articles like this in a relatively tame publication group are litgh seeping around the edges of the black out curtains. For most of us this already an accepted fact.

  4. and the race is......( hint..not white)

  5. I live in CLE OH. We have had a black mayor for years, but the black mayor we have now is woke. Our police chief is Haitian immigrant black and is woke. Our safety director is black and woke (he recently decried the fact the police and fire depts had for years been filled with Irish--cuz he is a racist ignoramus) and if all that is not enough, we now have a Soros installed black prosecutor who thinks punishing criminals is racist. Mayor has slashed police budget (meaning that almost 200 cops who left or retired won't be replaced) so we are pretty much on our own. ON A LIGHTER NOTE: a woman who lives in my neighborhood and works with me was just gifted an AR15 for Valentine's Day. That's how you know your man loves you.

    1. That's pretty funny, since Irish went into the police and fire departments because anti-Irish discrimination kept them out of the higher professional classes.

  6. Remember when back in the 90s they mocked VP Dan Quayle for saying that single parenthood is wrong?

  7. Poverty, single parenting, blah, blah, blah.

    Just guess the damned race, already and ignore the social work doublespeak from the bleeding heart liberal White women. If it's in your DNA to be a miscreant, you could have two fathers and 12 uncles at home and still be a miscreant.


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