
Thursday, February 09, 2023

Firefighters warn a Tesla fire is 'one of our worst nightmares'

Firefighters trying to keep America’s roadways safe are reporting higher difficulties in putting out blazes involving Teslas and other electric vehicles, with a first responder in Michigan calling them "one of our worst nightmares."

The concerns come as electric vehicle sales are trending upward in the U.S., with automakers selling 807,180 of them last year to increase market share to 5.8%, compared to 3.2% in 2021, according to a recent report by The Wall Street Journal. 


  1. Fighting the fire is not as dangerous as being in the car when it's on fire....

    1. But you got to do your Virtue Signaling to your lefty buddies. That's worth something.

    2. There was a Tesla crash a while back that when the crash happened the doors locked automatically (a Tesla safety feature) and the car's owner couldn't get out. He died in the fire.

      I wouldn't own a Tesla on a bet.

    3. This is why I do not like the auto lock feature and will manually unlock my door.

  2. I wonder if the Insurance companies even cover the fires…??

    let’s see….
    Basic Policy division's….

    Fire and Brimstone

  3. Since water doesn't work how about a half ton of sand or baking soda. Or that stuff they drop from helicopters onto wildfires. Or wet cement. Either smother the fire or make it burn up faster but stop wasting water on it.

    1. The trick is cooling the batteries. In Austria they found out that no single (or double) fire trucks could hold enough water to cool the batteries down.
      So they built a rolling swimming pool with a hoist. Roll up to the burning EV, pick it up, and dump it into the water.
      Lithium is the wrong material to build their EV revolution on. Which is a solution to a problem that doesn't exist.

    2. Yep.

      Lithium fires require specialized equipment to extinguish. (The Stryker ACVs have a separate system for the batteries because of that.)

      All the water does is cool off the other materials to slow down their ignition from the heat of the lithium fire.

    3. Read the history of Boeing 787's oven in a plastic airplane. And don't mention laptop battery fires onboard aircraft in flight....sound recently familiar?

  4. Semi-trucks with big giant batteries should be fun.

  5. Park Big Red diagonally for scene safety.
    Don safety gear if not already on.
    Check for people inside that may need rescue.
    Sit back and admire the thermal breakdown of some fuckheads overpriced “green” car’s lithium batteries. Laugh!
    Go home when it’s over.

  6. It's not just Tesla. A lot of these EV's have no mechanical door handle. If there's a fire and the electronics take a dump, you're stuck inside a two hour Roman Candle.

  7. Yeah, burning lithium is nothin to mess with. Water makes it burn hotter, and it melts when it burns, so throwing anything on it just splatters it. Oh, and the water that doesn't get converted to oxygen and hydrogen gas turns into lithium hydroxide, which is an aggressive caustic.

    1. Which is then washed down the storm drain along with the 6 to 30 thousand gallons of water used to attempt to cool the fire. How environmentally friendly.

      Everything the Left does and supports is based on a pack of lies and lies of omission.

  8. Just the car to park in the garage attached or under your home.

    Where your children and wife sleep.

  9. Like a magnesium fire on the flight deck .... push it over the side.

  10. A while back I watched a "first look" video in which a guy took his new F150 Electric Lightning pickup to his mechanic where they took off the cover panels for the electronics, put it on a hoist, etc so they could get a good look "from the inside out", as they put it.
    As they were oohing and ahhing over how cool it was I was thinking the old saying is true. A fool and his money ARE soon parted.
    One thing that blew my mind was the battery. It covers the whole bottom of the truck from just behind the front wheels to just in front of the rear wheels.
    I wouldn't ride in one on a bet.

    1. The battery is the heaviest item in any EV. You want that weight as low as possible.

  11. You guys are scaring the crap outta me. My #2 son, the Oakland, CA dweller, just bought himself a new Tesla.

  12. "[EV revolution] Which is a solution to a problem that doesn't exist."

    It's not even that. Even if the problem, CO2 is harmful, did exist, electric cars aren't a solution as fossil fuels are still being used to generate electricity. So no better than ICE cars in that respect and the batteries are environmentally harmful as well.


    1. And don't overlook the 'fossil fuels'* it takes to mine, process and manufacture the batteries required for every EV vehicle.

      * I don't buy into that whole 'fossil fuel' theory. I contend that carbon in the atmosphere permeates into the ground and is cooked by the high temperatures in the earth to become oil again. We will never run out unless we waste it manufacturing stupid stuff like electric vehicles.

      Also don't forget that the reason the stuff that makes trees and plants grow has been determined to be a pollutant is because the nine scientists on the Supreme Court said it's so. That would be the same 9 brainiacs that think it's okay for the government to 'take' private property for whatever reason they want to (the Kelo decision).

    2. They think the EV's will be charged by solar cells...

      overnight. I no longer try to tell the ones actually that stupid from the ones that know better but have some sort of evil political agenda.


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