
Thursday, February 09, 2023

Gov. Whitmer to unveil plan that would send rebate checks to taxpayers

(FOX 2) - The Michigan governor wants to send inflation relief checks to residents as part of the Democrats' new tax cut plan. She will reveal the dollar amount the governor wants in the rebate checks Monday.


  1. That's a bit of the "hair of the dog" solution to the problem it seems to me. Oughtta work out well...

  2. I live in Michigan. I read that a married couple, living in the same house only gets one check. Also, because of all the extra money the state has, it would require her to give us a tax break that would amount to more than the 160 bucks, or whatever it is. By getting rid of some excess through a rebate, then she isn't required to cut our taxes. She's a cunt no matter what she does. She certainly doesn't care about us. That's for damn sure.

    1. I live in Michigan as well. And the Empress of Lansing has continued to screw the people over since she took office. Fix the damn roads? The only thing she has fixed is the damn elections.
      With the lousy economy and her handling of Covid and the rest, yet we have now got a completely Democrat government, it makes me have to ask just how the elections happened to work in their favor. I think that I can guess the answer.

    2. I just moved to New Mexico from a deep Red State. Just today I saw a headline that Governor Lujan is proposing the same gibs me program. What a bunch of shite.

  3. Too dollah on yo way1

  4. What we need to whip inflation is for the government to hand out more cash, not cutting taxes. Wretched Witless has it right. I to suffer under her rule, our Lady of Botox.

  5. I meant too, not to.

  6. “Vote for me. Panem et circenses for all!”


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