
Friday, February 03, 2023

Fucking Drama Queens

Following the mass shooting that killed 11 people in Monterey Park, a local hospital is hoping to save lives by teaching people how to help those with traumatic injuries.


While I agree that everybody should know how to use a tourniquet, their justification is comical. The chances of most people being involved in or even in the vicinity of a shooting are almost zero.
Are they going to teach just how to apply the tourniquet and apply the pressure or are they going to go whole hog and teach them how to treat a sucking chest wound or how to treat for shock or how to administer CPR as well? No? Then it's just a feel good measure. 
And how many of these people have ever been exposed to copious amounts of blood? Do you really want your life in the hands of somebody who's going to faint while you're spraying blood all over them?


  1. They want to teach the public tactical medic skills? Has the drive by shootings become that bad?

  2. Our local newspaper's editor asked for anyone to write in, on the editorial page, asking for a discussion about anything, promising to carry out a back and forth regarding anything. So I wrote him telling my ideas of how to protect schools from school shootings, starting with training all school personnel in advanced first aid, including stopping serious bleeding, using torniquets and quik clot type of products. I said that I would discuss gun issues, but would start with the simple things, like treating serious wounds, that proved to save lives in places like Afghanistan, by our military members.
    I got a rapid response, of course. Stating that he didn't mean to open the discussion to any topic but just those that were posted in opinions on the editorial page. And that he was not qualified to talk about gun issues, but he would be sure to pass the first aid advice to someone who might be able to address such a topic.
    I also mentioned AED's and placing them throughout the facilities, and training the staff in the use of them. What I got from his tepid response is that of the rest of the left. They don't want to address the real issues, but only the issue that deal with their hobby horse issue, that of gun control.
    He might just as well have written the words, " Fuck you" and been done with me, and it would not have been much different.

  3. I had not heard about this mass shooting in Cali. I hope no Americans were hurt

  4. Damn, Kenny, you sound like you've attended a military course or something!
    I was in the Navy & learned the Gitmo Five. The squirting amputee was memorable (and we had to clean up after he entered our compartment, the asshole). Refresher training is a good idea, but their shit is signaling & nothing more.
    --Tennessee Budd

    1. When we weren't in the field and I was getting on my First Sergeant's nerves, he'd send me away for a week or two to different short courses. First aid was big on his list.


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