
Tuesday, February 07, 2023

Hell, I thought it was pretty funny myself

Video posted to social media has triggered accusations of racial profiling after a man recorded his traffic stop encounter in Costa Mesa. 

The driver alleges an Orange County police officer was using racial profiling and discrimination to harass him.


  1. As soon as the cop realized he had a minority pulled over he should've IMMEDIATELY apologized for the inconvenience and offered to pay the university tuition for the poor, triggered minority.

    That was sarcasm in case anyone wasn't sure...

  2. When he pulled over Abdullahi Aden I wonder if the cop was reacting to an APB for a goat trafficing gang in the area.

  3. This is "get off free Dred Scott month" as opposed to the other 11 months of victimhood.

  4. I'll bet dollars to donuts this triggered minority used his minority status when filling out the application for college. It's the way most of these people get into these schools. Affirmative action. That and Diversity ruining this country for decades now.

  5. It is literally impossible to racial profile a driver in a car with tinted windows.

    1. Even without tinted windows, hard to do when following several car lengths behind in the day and impossible at night.

    2. Not when you consider who tints windows. Its a thug life yo

  6. California Vehicle Code 12951 CVC makes it an infraction to drive without having your driver’s license in your possession, and a misdemeanor to refuse to present your driver’s license if requested to do so by a law enforcement officer.

    A misdemeanor conviction is punishable by up to 6 months in jail time and
    fines of up to $1000.00 plus penalty assessments.

    So, Abdullahi got a pass on that one, that's a gift.

    Since the windows were tinted too dark the cop didn't not know the race of the driver that he's stopping and if he's not observing the inside of the car with the flashlight, he's not doing his job.

    I don't normally side with the fuzz but in this one, just fix your windows, start carrying your license and STFU.

  7. Shining a flashlight in the windows isn't a search. Anything he sees through the windows is in plain sight.

    1. Besides, if the windows are too dark to see the driver, then shining a flashlight and checking out the back seat and front passenger seat is a common sense precaution. Ol' darkie might just have some of his homies riding along, illegally carrying handguns, and having a bad attitude towards cops.


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