
Wednesday, February 22, 2023

I really need to hear this story



  1. Well, assuming it's not Photoshop, the car had to go in backwards. The front is not damaged. The roof appears bent in, and the vent pipe is bent back under the car. I'm pretty sure a Ford Taurus can't go fast enough in reverse (possibly not forward either) to jump that high. I might suppose there's a high ledge just behind the house that the car came off of. The sun is almost directly overhead (judging from the large amount of shadow under the rather small eave), so it might not cast a shadow on the back of the house.

  2. "Bo - call Cooter and Uncle Jessie. They ain't gonna believe this one ..."

  3. Never saw a meteorite shaped like a Toyota before.

  4. I found a reference that someone took that photo in 2004 just down the road from their home. Then I found this in a Taurus forum from July 2004:

    "i saw that on The TODAY show tuesday and the lady meant to hit the brake to shift out of reverse but instead hit the gas after the fireworks were over on the fourth. when she hit the gas she went and flew as she hit the restaining wall to keep that from happening to that house. looks like the y need to build a bigger wall. also she swore she wasnt drunk but i beg to differ. :lol2:"

    From here:

    I could not find the original "newspaper article" cited later in the forum posts.

  5. There was a Ford Taurus SHO version that looked like that in that era. It was incredibly fast compared to looks. Was much faster than my Z at the time on acceleration. The internet, which never lies, says the 1990 version could do 143 mph.

    1. But backwards? You've only got low gear. My guess is there's a retaining wall higher than the house just out of view and the driver mistook the brake and accelerator and backed off of it.

    2. Those were great sleeper cars, but I don't think they were ever offered in the color of the one in the roof.


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