
Monday, February 27, 2023


Democratic governors in 20 states are launching a network intended to strengthen abortion access in the wake of the U.S. Supreme Court decision nixing a woman’s constitutional right to end a pregnancy and instead shifting regulatory powers over the procedure to state governments.

Organizers, led by California Gov. Gavin Newsom, described the Reproductive Freedom Alliance as a way for governors and their staffs to share best practices and affirm abortion rights for the approximately 170 million Americans who live in the consortium’s footprint — and even ensuring services for the remainder of U.S. residents who live in states with more restrictive laws.


  1. Man, I can't wait until hunting season on democrats opens.
    That is why you need a 30 round mag for hunting. Gotta cull the herd

    1. Amen to that. Can't happen fast enough

    2. A couple of questions,

      1) Is there a license fee?
      2) Are they considered feral?
      3) Is there a bag limit?
      4) Will a bounty be paid?
      5) Can they be hunted over bait?
      6) If bait can be used, what is recommended?
      7) Can you have your trophies mounted?

    3. 1 No
      2 Absolutely
      3 Absolutely not
      4 Maybe
      5 Yes
      6 EBT cards, Biden I did that Stickers
      7 Only if they meet the minimum Coon and Crockett specs

  2. Abortion has been the absolute best program to remove potential democrat voters ever done in this country. Leave as it is.

  3. Did you hear that Crime Stoppers is offering a reward for every black baby aborted?

  4. And honestly, thats perfectly fine! Thats how its supposed to work! California doesn't get to dictate what Alabama can do, anymore than Alabama can tell NY how to kill their babies.
    Let the states choose on their own. Don't like it, move!

    1. They ignore the fact that God gets the final vote.

  5. I have mixed feelings about abortion. It's wrong to take a life, but how many lives are saved by culling of some niglets. I am OK with abortion due to its disproportionate application. We get fewer violent racists to attack us this way.

  6. From the article; '... nixing a women's constitutional right ...'

    Utter BS. First, it was never a right. 2nd, if it was a right, it would be for all, not only women. 3rd, if govt can take it away, it isn't a right.

    This BS is meant to agitate people and continue the propaganda. Mis- and dis-information.

    1. Interesting, you're equating human rights with constitutionally affirmed rights. The Constitution neither grants nor guarantees a right. It holds them to be, in the words of the Declaration of Independence, self-evident. Governments can, and do, take away peoples ability to exercise rights. A casual reading of any decent history book will prove that. For example, does the Constitution affirm your right to refuse a vaccination? No, it doesn't, and the courts have ruled that you don't have that right. Does that nullify your right to control what's done to your body, or does it simply take away your ability to exercise that right by judicial judgement? Be careful imposing your will on others, it can end very badly for all.

    2. So you think the U.S. Constitution is defective?

  7. I have mixed emotions about abortion. A good friend in High School and his girlfriend did what horny teens do. They used protection, but it failed and she was pregnant. Her very Christian parents informed her that she would have the baby and give it away. Abortion was illegal in Texas at that point, but there were places in other states. She was shuffled off to a home for unwed mothers where she was informed on a daily basis that she was a hell bound sinner and that God's punishment for her sin awaited her. A C section was scheduled for the doctor's convenience. The care you'd expect from such a facility was evident in the staph infection that followed. The result was that she'd never have another child. Her parents basically abandoned her the minute they shipped her away. Her guilt led to depression and to drugs. This was the beginning of a severe downhill spiral. My friend didn't fare much better. Sadly, their story is far from unique. The discussion about abortion is about more that the pregnancy, but those who want to outlaw abortion try to pretend it's a simple issue. The complexity seems to frighten them.

    1. That's a pretty bad one. Yeah, there's no good result from an unwed teenager saying "I'm pregnant." At that point there are no good choices, abortion can (and sometimes does) result in the same sad result of permanent sterility. Not to mention the regret, depression, and moral hazards. Married and supporting a family at 15 is a bad hand to be dealt. Vaginal delivery is safest, but even that has risks. And your pregnant 15 year old wandering around town? Going to school? That is and should be shameful. Which is why many people would send them to live with relatives in another state. Sounds like your friends family didn't have such available, or chose not to call on them.

      I'm still of the opinion that, if at all possible, an early marriage is often the best choice. Still a bad one, of course. Sex *is* marriage, so IMHO it's more acknowledging what already IS than changing things.

      I'm ambivalent about abortion for entirely different reasons. I think there's no question but that it's murder. I also don't think it's any of the governments business. My kid, my choice. Should apply all the way up to age 25, IMHO. To make abortion legal and child abuse illegal is stupidly contradictory. Especially ignorant mistakes like "shaken baby syndrome".

      Now, if the woman gets an abortion against the father's wishes and/or without his knowledge, that's another can of worms. You made the choice when you had sex with him, now you get to live with that choice and its consequences. Fathers already face similar consequences, and just because she got pregnant SHOULD NOT mean that she gets all the choice in that scenario.

    2. Piss on that facility that did that. They were very wrong.

      Your friend could have done what many others had done. The proper action would have been to marry her. I knew three couples who tied the knot at age 16 or 17. But to each their own.

    3. They would gladly have married, but both sets of parents said no. After all, what would the neighbors, not to mention their fellow parishioners, have thought?


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