
Tuesday, February 07, 2023

Meanwhile, in that Bastion of Liberty known as Los Angeles.....

In the wake of a devastating mass shooting in Monterey Park last month in which 11 people were killed during a Lunar New Year celebration, the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors is set to evaluate and discuss new gun control measures in hopes of curbing gun violence in the county.

Several motions are expected to be presented at Tuesday’s Board of Supervisors meeting, with proposals both ambitious and small in scale.


I keep wondering when they the outraged citizens are going to 'rise up and shoot motherfuckers in the face' like Aesop keeps saying they will.


  1. More useless gun bans are the knee jerk emotional reaction of progressives. The only thing they'll accomplish is to make Libs feel good.

    1. The L.A. County Board of Supervisors consists of five women. Four are Dems and one is a 'moderate' Republican.

      Good luck L.A. County gun owners. You're about to get screwed. Again.

  2. Years ago a saw a movie where a very old grandma ripped a huge fart at the table. The dog got up and ran off. A confused guest guest was looking around when the host piped in " Every time grandma farts we beat the dog". There seems to be an analogy here.

  3. May I suggest a new gun law just as useful as what they are doing today?
    Require each killer to give written notice of his plans 10 days in advance.

    1. In triplicate....

    2. By the time you write the letter in the required languages, the 10 days would expire. And then there would be a new law about the color of paper. White would be racist you know.

    3. Or just a law requiring criminals to obey the law.

  4. 20 years or so ago, one of the Kennedy nephews was brought into the NYC station for carrying a hand gun. Notice I didn't say arrested or charged. He and his attorney walked out of the building. If it was some poor dumb black kid, he'd have served 3 years. I can't imagine the thousands of gun laws, ordinances or rules there are in this country. If you don't vigorously enforce them, they aren't worth the paper they're written on. Apparently there are some individuals who feel the rules don't apply to them - imagine that.

    1. I remember a President's crackhead son lying about his drug use on a 4473 and getting away with it.
      Also, he got buyer's remorse and threw the gun away in a trash can, and the FedGov moved Heaven and Earth to find it.

  5. There is little wrong with California that mass deportations of foreigners wouldn't solve.


  6. About the same time Aesop's valiant Ukrainians win their war with Russia.

    /sarc off

  7. Every time a drugged up illegal in a stolen car commits a crime with their stolen vehicle they should take privately owned cars away from democrat politicians.

  8. All our other gun control laws didn't stop the latest nutjob, so you must therefore listen to those same experts who demand we pass even more gun control laws.
    Brilliant! More of what didn't work.

  9. Aesop is Donnie Brasco.

  10. Aesop is Donnie Brasco on blogger. He has posted " a shame if..." scenarios involving assassination, starting an insurrection, etc. He gave a precise recipe for the most BTU value of a Molotov cocktail to stop even tanks. But "...wear a mask, social distance, and get the jab". (Then suddenly: " I guess don't get the jab after all! Sorry".)

    He's on someone's payroll. I knew this when he 'suggested' that chaos would occur if cash machines could be disabled with a little epoxy injected into them. Who the fuck would doing such an act benefit?? Not any of us. He loves to call internet posters 'anonymous cowards' while he, himself, remains anonymous too. That seems a bit 'off'. Just my 2 cents.

    1. Aesop's just another mouth. Nothing more. I really hesitate to give him any more credit than that.
      He claims he's not anonymous but he hides behind his screen name. Myself, I've always figured that if you're a blogger and are going to run your mouth or insult people as is his habit, you either need to own what you say or shut the fuck up.

    2. I've said it before - I'll say it again: Aesop is right about 50% of the time. He is an asshole 100% of the time. - Toothless Banjo Picker.

    3. I’ve been hitting your blog every day (except Sundays and your Vacation) for over 10 years I believe. Owning what you say and your twisted humor keeps pulling me back in.

    4. Yessir, I'd say it's been at least 10 years.

  11. Aesop flaps his lips a lot.

  12. Never gonna learn...

  13. If they want to drastically reduce the crime rate in California, they should simply start executing folks when they are 1) convicted the first time for a)murder, b)rape, c)kidnap, d)kiddie porn, e)extortion or blackmail, or f) use of a firearm to facilitate the commission of a felony; 2) get a second conviction for a)robbery, b)strong arm robbery, c) armed robbery, d) burglary of home, business, outbuilding, or auto, d)auto theft, e)livestock theft. Enforce it without regard to race, sex, age, level of inebriation, or race.


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