
Friday, February 10, 2023

NYC passing our Little Brown Border Brothers on to Canada

NEW YORK - Some of the migrants who were bussed to New York City are abandoning the city for Canada. 

Migrants are heading upstate New York on bus tickets purchased by taxpayers. They then are crossing into Canada.


  1. As long as they're not in the US I care not where they are...

  2. Ya, we get some, but it seems they are genetically not made for the seasons and soon head their way south again...sorta like zombies, they apparently don't do well in the cold!

    Chutes Magoo

  3. And now, the rest of the story . . . . .

    A bunch of them got a taste of REAL cold in the great white north, and demanded bus tickets back to Brooklyn !

    Perfect Democrats, they feel entitled to everything.

  4. Jesus, where's the GoFundMe account for this? Sign me up!

  5. It's called "Sharing"

  6. Careful, Canada can always send the US more Muslims and Chinese.

    1. Turdeau took in 450k refugees last year, no one wants them as they dont work except to steal, rape and murder. The one who murdered my friend was allowed out on bail and fled back to syria.


  7. So, when Ron DeSantis sends them from FL to Martha's Vineyard, he's a racist scumbag. But when Eric Adams sends them to Canada, he's just helping them to a better life. Got it.

    Here's where they cross. Those buildings on the Canuckian side are new, erected by Turdoe as a welcome center staffed by RCMP personel who hand out money cards, cel phones, hotel vouchers, and then usually transport them to Toronto.
    This started way back in the beginning of the Trump presidency as a safe haven for all those TRIGGERED illegal alien invaders.

  9. The takeaway aside from the Democrat hypocracy is the cold. Most if not all of the invaders from lower latitudes are intolerant of cold weather climates. They will come north to live in northern climes if paid to do so with free handouts and housing assistance, but those things are available in more southerly locations also. I suspect that a winter or 2 will send a lot of them packing back south looking for better digs, even if the handout were still coming. Cut them off from any assistance and they will vanish as fast as they showed up.


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