
Wednesday, February 22, 2023

The Final Straw: What Is America’s Tipping Point and What are You Prepared to Do When it comes?

Have you ever wondered what makes a person snap? What causes a normal, quiet, everyday citizen, loving mother, or doting father to lose it all and fight like a caged animal? What can cause a small village to rise up and rebel against an oppressive police force and start killing them? What is the switch that gets flipped that causes a city to pour two million people into the streets, chanting and demanding to be heard by their government?


  1. I have no knowledge who this author is but he seems to provoke by using disingenuous phrases like “This is not a call to armed Revolution…” Hmmm, seems to me like it is.

    I can say I don’t have to wonder what I would do and God help whoever gets in my way.

    1. That phrasing is used as a sort of disclaimer meant to hopefully keep the gov spooks away. I see that a lot in material published on the innerweb.

      It always strikes as cowardly. I mean, the irony of saying, 'Let's go!' but then including a, 'This is merely hypothetical.' apparently escapes them. It marks them as not trustworthy.

      Taking action to make correction to government involves the risk of losing everything. It becomes obvious that is a bridge too far for such folks.

    2. until they have nothing to lose, which is any day now.

  2. you mean like in the movie "falling down " ?
    a co worker told me about it after it came out. he said it did remind him of me .
    I think it will be the shortage of food that will be get the "people" out in the streets
    history shows us that when countries explode in riots, it is because they can not get enough to eat or the price of food is unreal.
    or it will be when the SNAP/EBT cards no longer work. that will bring them out in mass
    or the cities will burn down

    1. Bread and circuses. Most, if not all, oppressive regimes kept certain niceties operating as normal. Rome, entertainment and food (even though rationed); Mussolini kept the trains running on time (whether how true that is, is not relevant. It illustrates the point.); some other tyrant kept alcoholic beverages available even as everything else was failing. There are many such examples throughout history.

      The goal is to provide just enough to keep the angry hordes at bay. So I very much doubt govt welfare (EBT, et al) will stop completely. There may be delays or a pile of excuses from govt but the govt will ensure enough is paid out even as the society crumbles and the graft and corruption is fully in view.

      Waiting for govt to drop the ball that much will be waiting forever. The most egregious part is it means govt controls even if the good people take up arms. Look around today. Everything we see, no matter how disgusting, how awful, is tolerable to even they who deeply despise the deviants in govt, universities, and everywhere else. For if it was not tolerable to the people, then we would see what many agitate for. But we dont, because it is tolerable.

  3. I’m amazed the my fellow citizens who are not prepared for anything. No water storage, ammo, food stuffs. I thank the good Lord we’re not in the city. And I already heard We’re coming to your house.

    1. Me too. I've always figured that if nothing happens and we don't need it for an emergency, we'll have a couple tight spots here and there where our preps will be put to use, then we can restock when finances allow it.
      I've been poor too many times to not lay in supplies when I'm flush.

      I haven't heard anybody tell me they're coming here (yet), but Lisa's son and his wife have zero supplies in their house. I'm like, "Don't you even watch the news? Or think?" So yeah, I'm sure that they'll show up on my doorstep with their hands out. They're going to be shocked when I make them full time gardeners or water haulers to earn their keep.

    2. "They're going to be shocked when I make them full time gardeners or water haulers to earn their keep." You're'll have to shoot them.

  4. Politicians got to get out doorbelling more.
    Bet they can find some action.

  5. Leftists are the bigoted, thuggish, lying, treasonous, self-aggrandizing, racist, pedophilic thieves of our lives, our liberties, our freedoms, our vote and our country.


  6. I keep hearing on multiple sites how the people in mass will have enough and rise up. BULLSHIT, It will not happen. The sheeple will never do it and the so called right has allowed their Republican masters to do nothing and their cherished christian religions in the guise of keeping their tax free status to make them lazy,weak and morally corrupt with no real balls anymore. I talked to a evangelical pastor a few years ago on why they allow it and dont really try and stop the commies and the answer was it just speeds up Jesus return and the true believers will all go to heaven anyway. Which is the same thing I heard from a jihadi in Iraq in the early 2000’s, what a fucking bunch of idiots. Both of them refused to answer my question of what if you are wrong and its just everyone dies? How anyone can say they believe in any loving god and be a part of the various current christian religious groups I will never understand.
    I spent my life defending this country around the planet and now I understand it was all a waste of time and for the last 50-60 years we were actually the bad guys in it all. IF you look at the rest of the world outside the US and Europe, we are considered the bad guys who force our system on the world or we attack them as the bad guys. I had a Afghan friend I emailed regularly and when the Gay flag was posted at the embassy there. He told me that was the final straw and it was over for his country again and he was so right. Haven't heard a word from him since the fall.....
    Now the only people I will defend is my family and very close friends, the rest of the country can burn, they did it to themselves. I gleefully await that moment. The statement that a people get the government that they deserve is never more true than now.

    Maybe if everyone were made to read ALEKSANDR SOLZHENITSYN and sit and talk to folks coming from the communist countries about how it never becomes the utopian PURE socialism or communism maybe just maybe things could have been different.

    But he is truly a generation thinker and everyone should read his thoughts while he in the gulag and understand what it symbolizes.

    1. I can tell you that for me, at least, from studying the Bible, we do have a loving God, but we also must remember that we have a just God. He loves us so much that He sent His Son to die on the cross for our sins. But He is a just God in that those who reject the work on the cross, and in doing so reject God, then you will be punished for your sins.
      I try to not push religion on anyone, but I will respond to certain things, and I figured that it was worth replying since it seemed to be an attack on Christianity. You are certainly free to think whatever you wish about God and religion, and I don't want to force you to believe in God. But don't forget that everyone else has the same right as well, and to some, it is a very large part of their lives.
      The thing that doesn't seem to be mentioned by anyone about God, is that nearly every single group of people throughout history have believed in some sort of higher power, be it the American Indians and the belief in a type of Gaia. Or the worship of the ancient Egyptians and the Sun God Ra. And on and on. So there seems to be a common theme between every group and that is a belief in an intelligent creator, if you prefer, or what many call God.

    2. Sodom and Gomorrah - we're there again.

      Jus sayin


  7. Crazy people "snap" and that is rarely effective long term. The author likely does not realize the capabilities of God fearing Men. When Jesus is on your side nothing is impossible and this is seen through history. I also think one should be prepared, but when you are doing God's will, all you need you already have and will be provided. The enemy truly has no clue.

  8. Worthy of an Andy Rooney commentary (may he rest in peace). Did you ever wonder about what you might do when the goop hits the ventilator? Do you ever wonder why your neighbor has so much ammo but he’s not really an outdoorsman?

    Why is it that the president seems to be destroying the fabric of America? Is his incompetence just cover for purposeful “fundamental change”?

  9. What will I be prepared to do when the tipping point comes?
    Satan will puke.

    1. Damn bro, I think that statement right there sums up a lot of people’s thoughts.

  10. "Governments exist either because they have come to power through force and violence or they have been elected and given power by the people."

    Aaand... I'm out.

    There's no explaining to a dummy why he's dumb. Why what he thinks is dumb. What you are doing, so that it seems like a good idea, to a dummy. If what you're doing, is not, in fact, dumb.

  11. Please advise as to how to store fresh water without a huge $$$ layout. Thanks!

    1. I’m in KY and can buy food grade 50 gal barrels with resealable snap ring lids for $35 ea. fill and store in the basement or garage. Nothing will be cheaper.

    2. Move next to a lake or river and buy lots of bleach

    3. Big jugs and a dab of chlorine. It aint fresh if you're storing it.

    4. Buy a bunch of cheap plastic buckets with lids from a box store. Probably the cheapest way to go. Haul two of these at a time (5gal = 40lbs), and you'll be glad you didn't buy containers any bigger than that.

    5. I keep several drink straws, tablets & 5 gal water filter drip system + live next to fresh water source (for bathing, cleaning clothes). I also catch rain water for watering the garden

      Remember, we only need to disinfect our drinking water.


  12. pussies, "Come on guys, lets all do it!"
    It always starts with those who will just say "NO!" and mean it.
    Few and far between, those to whom submission is not an option.
    Take some with you.
    Only blood and rage will get the masses moving.
    And I never gave a shit about Soltzy, cause I'll see them in hell first.

  13. “And how we burned in the camps later, thinking: What would things have been like if every Security operative, when he went out at night to make an arrest, had been uncertain whether he would return alive and had to say good-bye to his family? Or if, during periods of mass arrests, as for example in Leningrad, when they arrested a quarter of the entire city, people had not simply sat there in their lairs, paling with terror at every bang of the downstairs door and at every step on the staircase, but had understood they had nothing left to lose and had boldly set up in the downstairs hall an ambush of half a dozen people with axes, hammers, pokers, or whatever else was at hand?... The Organs would very quickly have suffered a shortage of officers and transport and, notwithstanding all of Stalin's thirst, the cursed machine would have ground to a halt! If...if...We didn't love freedom enough. And even more – we had no awareness of the real situation.... We purely and simply deserved everything that happened afterward.”

    ― Aleksandr I. Solzhenitsyn , The Gulag Archipelago 1918–1956

    Even in the face of recognizable horror, people did nothing to save themselves in Russia and in Germany.

    What makes anyone think it'll be any different here.

    We are leaderless, just like they were.

    Oh, "we have guns and ammo"? The time to use them has come and gone. When the deep state can steal two or more national elections with no repercussions, the country is dead. The only thing left is for it to realize it's done and fall down.

    Don't forget the hissy fit that Hitlery had after losing in 2016. She was supposed to win because "the fix was in" just like in 2008 when Obozo won. They just didn't cheat hard enough in 2016. Bribem gave that secret away when he said "just like you did for Barack" when making a speech after the machines installed him.

    How long did freedom in Russia last after the Soviets were sort of peacefully removed from power? They have the illusion of freedom. They are ruled by a tyrant. Look at how many people in Russia's government have mysteriously fallen out of windows or were found to have committed suicide by self inflicted gunshot since Ukraine was invaded and they spoke out against the invasion.

    O, that can't happen here?

    Talk to the Cliton associate who was just found hanging from a tree with a gunshot wound to the chest ruled suicide by the local cops with no firearm found at the scene.

    Ask the Jan 6th political prisoners that have been rotting away in jail or sentenced to egregious jail time for trespassing or sitting at the Speakers desk. Ask people their opinion of the criminals, including murderers and rapists, who are let out of jail with no bail.

    We're dead. We just haven't laid down, yet.

  14. When the reckoning comes it won't be a massive case of people going crazy and snapping. There will be some of that along the way, but the reckoning will be the result of the quiet determination of people who have simply had enough exacting revenge on their tormentors, much like what happened in Chile after Allende was overthrown.

  15. I'm no commie, but everyone needs to either listen to or read Putin's speeches. Notice how there is never any US national news on him not even the newly socialist FOX, just the latest Zelensky bullshit speech. Hell I would think he was a American President from about 40-50 years ago. He is speaking of values America used to have. I particularly loved the latest comment on the perversion and decadence of America and how our leaders want to bring the world down to our level Pedophile levels. Dam it he is 100% correct on that.


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