
Friday, February 24, 2023

Walmart to close two more ‘underperforming’ stores

(NEXSTAR) — Walmart has confirmed it will be closing two more stores next month, adding to its list of more than half a dozen stores that have already closed or will close in the coming weeks.


Portland, Oregon. Underperforming stores or overperforming thieves?


  1. It is mildly amusing that the first of the stores listed in the linked article is in Bentonville, i.e. Walmart's home town.

    1. Just looked it up. It's a Walmart Neighborhood Market, not a regular Walmart.

  2. Cutting your loses is the hallmark of Capitalism.

  3. Probably just acquisitions for some more future federal detention centers.

  4. One of those in Portland (Hayden Meadows Drive) is the WM I used to go to when I was staying at my friends in Vancouver. I bought my deep cycle batteries and other stuff there to save on the sales tax. This was 2015-16 and it was not a bad area.
    I bought the lumber (2x4s & 3/4 ply) for my van's 1st bed at the Lowes across from there. I cut the 2bys in the parking lot & had the plywood cut to what I needed in the store. With the batt powered driver and sheetrock/deck screws I put it together in the parking lot. Put my air mattress on top and headed for a winter around Quartzsite.

    1. I work near the Hayden Meadows store. The whole neighborhood is overrun with meth heads and hobos. Lots of homeless camps and burned out cars. I shop at the other one closing...

  5. Plodding to the great urban food desert.

  6. NEXT: Lawsuits against Walmart for removing them.

    1. Considering how WalMart shows up with platoons of lawyers whenever a customer tries to sue them, that would be ineresting.


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