
Tuesday, February 28, 2023

Welcome to the grown-up world, partner

A teenage boy accused of punching and kicking his teaching assistant in a row over a Nintendo Switch will be charged as an adult - after being arrested for battery three times in 2019. 

Brendan Depa, 17, can be named for the first time after the Seventh Judicial Court of Florida ruled that he would be transferred to adult court and is currently being held on a $1million bond according to court documents.


  1. The boy will never amount to anything but a drain on society.

  2. Well, perhaps justice is served in a sense, by publicly naming the perp, but I'm not holding my breath he'll see the inside of a 'correctional' facility.

  3. In bodycam footage, the student can be seen asking officers if he is 'going to jail,' while they handcuff him in the school.
    'For how long?' the students asked. 'I don't know,' the officer replied.
    Moments later he told officers: 'F**k you, I don't want to go to jail. I have more important things to do,' before accusing them of manhandling him.

    1. Good time for an "accidental ahooting"


  4. Sanity finally shows up in court, at least in FL.

    Derpa's history probably means he is going to rot in jail until trial, nobody is going to front $100K to bail him out knowing they will lose it when he returns to his normal and assaults a new victim. I hope the bailiffs have control over him during trial, he will probably try and assault his victim AGAIN because she 'disrespected him' then got him arrested.

    I'd say the odds are he will get uppity with the wrong people and die in prison, he isn't likely to learn any other way.

  5. Has kamala already started a gofundthispieceoftrash to help pay for his bail?

  6. No need to guess the race. The question almost always answers itself.

  7. Scott Adams was unavailable for comment...

  8. Arrested for battery three times...That begs the question; what was this animal doing in the wild?

    1. Juvenile, so a stern talking-to was about all he got for punishment.

    2. Doing what animals do in the wild. FUSA is like Wild Kingdom these days. But don't look for Marlin Perkins.

  9. Charge him with whatever...he will not do serious time. How many of these assaults/robberies/murders we read about EVERY DAMN DAY come from utes with a long a storied rap sheet? Same shit different day until it all burns.

  10. He's referred to in some articles as "exceptional". In my day, that word was used to describe students who performed above expectations for their age, tested high on standardized testing, were well liked by peers and staff, participated in scholastic sports, maybe student government. Now it refers to low IQ, likely illiterate, violence prone troglodytes like this. Sad thing is, if he had even a modicum of self control, he might have parlayed his size and aggression into a sportsball scholarship, possibly even a highly lucrative professional sportsball career. All the White girls he could handle.

    1. Warren is just drooling over this prospect, oh I forgot she’s an Native American.

  11. This is in Florida. I think our boy is about to experience the end of juvenile coddling and say hello to the reality of the grownup's gladiator academy. I hope they beat the black off him there.

  12. 17 is not a "child". Adult crime, adult time. For some reason, "the law" treats 15-17yos as if they were 5-7yos

  13. This african needs to assume room temperature soon.

  14. Never Relax.


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