
Tuesday, March 07, 2023

3 to 5 round bursts, partner, 3 to 5 round bursts



  1. Looks like the barrel is so hot it's starting to bend from the force of gravity.

    1. Yep. Serious barrel droop. It's shot out.

  2. To late for canteens or to piss on, she appears warped.

  3. money to burn. it had to be at least 6-10 thousand rounds to get it that hot. and machine gun barrels are not cheap either ! either way, it is just stupid to do something like that.

    1. A guy I knew manned a M-2 for the FPL on a position in Korea. When the Chinese attacked, it was wave after wave. The barrel got so hot the rounds just cooked off.
      They had no chance to change barrels, just keep firing or die.
      There is a lot to his story I won't touch on. Suffice it to say he was a mess after that ordeal.

    2. Jeremy, The 38th. Why America didn't light China up with nuclear bombs I will never understand. Talk about a major sucker punch. Of course that is the dink way same as Pearl Harbor. Those men saw some shit for sure. I admire and respect everyone of them.

    3. Bright Eyes -- the reason the US didn't do that was because Truman was being advised by communists (think of guys like Alger Hiss--but deeper in the weeds).

    4. Jeremy R
      I had a friend who was an MP in Korea during the war. He was assigned to a machine gun crew and was the gunner. He said that the Chinese charged and just like the stories say, they stacked them up so high that they had to climb over their own men to continue to try and get to the American positions.
      After he was not needed for combat any longer, he told me that he went back to being an MP, kicking drunk American soldiers out of the bars and brothels.
      His wife of many years decided she was tired of our Michigan winters and so she up and moved to Alabama. He had some health issues, but just said Hit the Road and was happy living alone, but finally had to go to a facility to get some help with day to day things.
      He was a good guy, and I was made better just by knowing him.

    5. Bright eyes, not sure why you noted 38th, FPL is final protective line. It's the point where you pour lead like there's no tomorrow.

  4. 'Whatever happens, we have got, the Maxim gun, and they have not.

  5. And they were still over run....

  6. 3 to 5 round bursts only work if the enemy agrees to charge 3 to 5 soldiers at a time.

    Friend of mine who was in the army said their squad automatic weapon's barrel was so shot out that the LT finally decided to ruin it so they could get another. So they ran ammo thru it until the barrel glowed yellow like that and it started to droop. He said you could see the bullets going down the barrel. At a certain point the barrel drooped enough that the rounds started cutting a hole in the top of the barrel and pretty much split it open. Armorer had no choice but to issue a new barrel at that point.

    Not sure how true the story is, he had a tendency to exaggerate, but looking at that pic it is certainly possible.

  7. Is this some youtuberasshole or an image from the current Russian war?
    Also, 3 to 5 round bursts only work when the attackers are low in number, or slow to advance. Although, to be fair, when you have nothing to lose, you have nothing to lose.

  8. Appears to be an NSV heavy machinegun. Built in Ukraine. 12.7mm, roughly equal to our 50BMG.

    1. Yeah, I was wondering about the cartridge cases. They looked like steel, which commies like to use, instead of brass like JM Browning (PBUH) intended.

  9. Do not try to eat the Forbidden Popsicle.

  10. Yes, not ours, steel cases, not sure about the caliber, but pretty sure those are steel cases.

  11. Had a First Sargent back in 1981 that was in Vietnam. Said the only thing holding the barrel up was the rounds going through it. Said it was a little dicy. Didn't have time to change the barrel. I don't know that he even needed a machine gun. He was one mean SOB. LOL. Had a banner on the front of his desk "The more we sweat in peace, the less we bleed in war" and we did sweat. Can't remember his name but I can see his face.
    Backwoods Okie

    1. Vis Pacem sic Parabellem. I know that is not exactly the right quote, but I can't think right now, migraine killing me. But your 1st Sgt. was someone who both understood war and cared about his troops.
      I just noticed that I wrote this using politically correct language, without male pronouns. I really hate these GD liberals that are so entrenched in society that they have got me using their bullshit language instead of calling a warrior a man.
      I do understand that there are some female military members who have proven that they are just as capable and brave as men, especially pilots and battlefield surgeons, ammo bearers and even squad leaders. Israel has used them since nearly day one.
      But I would send my sons and even my 62 year old self to war if it was to actually defend America. I would NOT send my 3 daughters.

  12. My orders to my troops in Iraq were to change barrels after each 200 rd box, but not if you need to expose yourself to fire to do it. In extreme need, burn the barrel. Barrels are cheaper than people. In Iraq, we never had difficulty getting new barrels or other small arms parts. The 6-9 rd burst implies you are not alone and other MGs in your area are picking up the slack. If you are changing a barrel, you announce it so that you are all taking turns keeping up the rate of fire. A continuous succession of 6-9 rd bursts will burn up a barrel like that. It doesn't take holding down the trigger for 1000 rounds.


  13. My pecker on pay day!

    1. Quit wearing gloves…..

    2. I hear you can buy pills nowadays that'll help prevent "barrel" droop. Penicillin should fix the burning up part...

  14. Helped do that to an M-60 barrel shooting blanks during an overnight problem at NCO school. I teamed up with a green beanie as his ammo carrier and when we set up he told me to just link all 6(?) 8(? belts together. When the bad guys attacked, he jumped up and did his best John Wayne while I just tried to keep the belt from jamming. Barrel went through four color changes and finally stopped when the gun had a feed malfunction. Lots of fun while it lasted though...


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