
Thursday, March 30, 2023

Americans Have Stopped Trusting the Pentagon With Their Lives

Right now, many of us vets are looking back on our years of service and wondering what the hell we did it all for. We used to know – for the USA. Yet you look at the disaster that is our country, our culture, and our beloved military, and you just want to go find a wall and pound your head against it. But a lot fewer folks are going to have this problem in the future because a lot fewer young people are joining our military. The Pentagon can't meet its recruiting goals, and, of course, the fault is our young people, our potential soldiers, for being unwilling to sacrifice their time, and sometimes their lives, in support of the bizarre social pathologies that our garbage ruling class embraces.


  1. I hung on long enough to retire. They got my 20 years and 20 minutes to file the paperwork. I loved it, and would have been a soldier until my body gave out. If it wasn't for the stupid.

    1. Talk about the stupid. At about my 4 year mark it stopped being fun but I held on for almost 21 years only because of retirement pay in the future and medical for my family. What we as husbands and dads...

    2. You gotta wonder at this point if there is even going to be any government pensions or a VA healthcare system after the Dollar collapses.

  2. Agreed. Vets I know all tell their own kids, "Stay far away".


    1. My great grandpa was a soldier, my grandpa was a soldier, my dad was a soldier, I was a soldier, like hell I'd let my kids join now.

    2. I'm in that 'tell them to stay away' category.

      I'm a vet from the '70s and went in with a certain sense of duty to go along with my desire for education. I worked hard, served my time and got out at 3 years.

      Had I known that the US armed forces have nothing to do with national security and everything to do with being mercs for a corrupt government (since before I was born), I would NOT have volunteered. It sickens me to know what I know now and compare it to how fucking naive I was back then. "Serve my country"...what a fucking sad joke.

  3. I served 21 years in the Coast Guard. One of the CG's primary tasks was to interdict in the smuggling of drugs and illegal aliens into our country. I was a part of this, like I said, for 21 years, only to retire and watch our Traitors In Chief, Obama and Biden, roll out the red carpet for both illegals and drugs.

    Yeah, as a retired vet I get a pension which is nowhere near enough to do anything with, but DOES keep me from drawing unemployment if I lose my job. I also get discounted medical insurance, Tricare, which won't cover the hearing aids I NEED. It won't even cover home COVID tests! An illegal, on the other hand, can get both, with a ZERO COPAY. "Disillusioned" doesn't come CLOSE to describing how I feel right now!

    I was a telecom tech in the Coast Guard. One of my jobs was maintaining the teletype machines in use at the time. Those things had well over 2000 moving parts. I'm REALLY good at "watching the mechanism." These aging eyes are "watching the mechanism" of what's going on here. The Gub'meyent will make the military a pit of hopelessness that no one will join. THEN... it'll reinstitute the draft... which was the original plan... Watch those gears and shafts turn for few minutes and tell me I'm wrong...

    1. If you can VAvto rule your hearing loss is service connected, you can get hearing aids from them. That said, once I got them. I realized I needed listening aids.

  4. "in support of the bizarre social pathologies that our garbage ruling class embraces"

    They rule because you, proudly, kill those that oppose them. For the money you steal from others, to give your (explicitly "your") rulers. So they, keep, breakin' you off a lil' sumpin' sumpin'.

    Burnish that medal, an hero. Or serve those that will kill those you serve, still. There is no light between.

  5. Agreed, I was never in combat but would have given my life for what our country used to be. Now, the corruption is so deep, I feel it's unlikely to be recoverable.

  6. The Heritage White Americans are not joining. And why should they do shit for a government that is out to remove us from prominence in the country our white ancestors built.

  7. My 2nd son spent a bit over 6 years in the Navy, and it was a very good experience for him. I would not encourage any young person to enter the military now, given the direction that they are heading at this time. I guess that they are just following the same lead that the country is going, but that doesn't not bode well for the future defense of the nation or our safety.
    When the military and civilian leadership of a nation is more concerned with not offending the sensibilities of someone's fragile ego or feelings, over the ability to project danger towards our enemies, and we have many, it is only a matter of time before those enemies take advantage of us. I look for the CCP to begin a slow move towards Taiwan, to see just what FJB will do, which is nothing, because there is nothing that he realistically can do.

  8. I've never been in the military and make no claim to have done so but I am in a position to see some of the top brass as they retire and go through the revolving door into executive positions in the defense industry and if the ones I see are examples of what now passes for leadership then we are in a lot of trouble. Most of these people couldn't make a decision about when to flip a hamburger on a grill and they are all of the "Kiss Up Kick Down" school of leadership.

  9. The hubs is a retired Zoomie of whom I have been proud lo these many retirement years. Our kid did his time and got out. Unless there is a massive rehab of the services, I don’t want our grandchildren enlisting.

    FTA every day and in every way.

  10. Since the Civil War the bulk of the military has been from Southern states, and the Feds/States are destroying their heritage. Statues removed, bases renamed while being told there is a problem with being White.

  11. I tell every kid who asks me about it, fuck that shit ! the kicker that works for them is when I tell them once you raise your right hand, they fucking OWN you ! take what you get, do as you are told or get sent to prison. it wasn't bad as a grunt. but when I changed over to medical. I really got fucked. 32 hours on duty and 8 fucking off. did that shit for close to 8-9 weeks until other techs got there. and then they wonder why I didn't want to reup ??
    to make rank you needed 999 points if you where white male, less otherwise.
    they where even doing that shit back in the late 1970's too.
    I tell kids it is the last resort. flip burgers while learning a trade or something, anything but go in. there are a lot of combat arms vets around here. they all say and tell kids the same thing. not on you fucking life ! would they do it again. not now with the bullshit they doing
    still there are lots of billboard ads around. but kids are not going in.

  12. Shit! This happened about 24 years ago....

  13. I served for 22 years. I knew beyond a shadow of a doubt I was fucking up around the fifteen year mark as I watched an M-88 rolling through a building in Waco on CNN. Stayed 7 more years after that. There are plenty of times I don’t sleep at night. Most of the time, I felt we were the good guys. Many times, I knew we weren’t. I’ll settle up with the big guy when my ticket gets punched. Till then, I can live with myself and I’d recommend anyone who thinks I’m a peice of shit keep it to themselves. Or don’t. Pack a fucking lunch. Eod1sg Ret

  14. 21 years active and 30 years of observation have led me to say "Never enter the military when there's a Democrat in the White House."
    And here I am with #1 Grandson finishing up his first year of Air Force ROTC, and #2 Grandson 2 years behind him.

  15. Young men and boys are in crisis. The war on masculinity has succeeded: 63% of males 18-29 are single, women: 34%. Suicides in males is 4 times females. Women earn 60% of undergrad degrees. Schools and the workplace are largely feminized. Young men are seeing their opportunities to earn a good living, find a good woman to marry and raise their children disappearing. They are hated and despised by an increasingly tyrannical government and a ruling class that is not of their people. Why the Hell should they fight for this country?

  16. Today's enlistees are more likely to be killed by their chain of command demanding troops take the suicide jab.

  17. I stopped trusting officers about 1992. then I stopped trusting any enlistedman over E-5 sometime around 1993. I got out in 1994.


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