
Tuesday, March 07, 2023

Biden's Executive Order Nightmare: Government Will Track Every Dime You Spend

When I was a sparring partner for professional boxers many, many years ago, I was taught to be wary of the jab. It is a tactic used to distract an opponent while setting him up for a devastating power punch that takes him down for the count.

Biden is throwing jabs.

The power punch is a little noticed Executive Order with the innocuous number 14067 and its title, "Ensuring Responsible Development of Digital Assets."
-The Old Man


  1. This is the one thing that I have been the most concerned about since getting into the so called Prepper Movement. The greatest threat to America and our citizens is the ability of the government to control how, or even if, citizens spend their money.
    Now that I am collecting Social Security, I can see what could happen if you fail to toe the line as far as social commentary and political protests are considered. Post a video of government thugs raiding a home of someone who was caught bartering car repair for gasoline, and next month, your check will be 2 weeks late, with a warning about posting non approved content. The approving body will be a group like the Southern Poverty Law Center, of course.
    A 2nd violation gets a month late, and only half of the expected amount, the other half being withheld as a fine.
    A 3rd offense, summer camp, for reeducation, and no Social Security until you have completed the helpful lessons.
    How they determine if you are a good little sheep is possibly related to how much of your monthly income you willingly donate to the Democrat controlled, newly formed group, the Community for a Greater America. It will be abbreviated. F.U. I know that the letters don't match, but they are at the least accurate.

    1. Seems like we should be shooting motherfuckers long before that shit actually happens.


    2. Anonymous, yes we should be "shooting motherfuckers", but WHICH motherfuckers?
      The people we have access to are not the ones engaged in the fuckery; THOSE motherfuckers are at some distance from us and several layers up the food chain.

    3. The Irish had that figured out - kill the ones half-way up the chain. Readjustment quickly follows.

    4. The thing is the government worker is more dangerous than the elected politician. For example the FDA, CDC, DOJ, OSHA, EPA, HUD, FBI, CIA , IRS are complet wackos. So is trump if he can get past the election fraud going to replace the top 5 levels of this group. You know China Mitch and mccarthy will recommend the same demented people already there. Barter with who you know.

  2. If to buy and sell becomes the provenance of an all powerful government, can the "mark of the beast" be far behind?

    1. Kroger pharmacist had a barcode inked on the back of his hand, which he scanned to access the computer. So, nope, it's already here.

    2. My walmart pharmacist was from some african country and I just shook my head until I got my wife's drugs. No freakin idea what he was saying.

  3. How can an Executive Order change our entire monetary system? Why is it anybody's business how we spend our money? This would essentially enslave us. I don't know if it will help, but at this point I'm not sure what else to do, other than pray. So I am going to email my Senators and Representative.

    1. "How can an Executive Order change our entire monetary system?"

      It cant, but they will all pretend that it can. Which for a time will be the same thing.

    2. His party controls the media and judges. If the conservative judge is in the way then he recuses himself. The top of the GOP, mccarthy, china mitch, ronna romney are democrats. So no complaining there.

    3. Executive Order 6102 is an executive order signed on April 5, 1933, by US President Franklin D. Roosevelt "forbidding the hoarding of gold coin, gold bullion, and gold certificates within the continental United States."

      a/k/a greatest gold heist in US History

    4. The way of the DemonRat is to say and do something unConstitutional then keep on doing it while the RINOs bluster, and the Americans sue. After 3 or 4 years of the corporations going along with the illegal "orders", the Court says stop. Nothing actually stops, and the DemonRats issue the same order again in different words.
      Wash, rinse, repeat.
      See Hochul in New York, in response to the recent 2d Amendment case.
      John in Indy

  4. This nitwit's E.O. apply to Zelensky?

  5. It will be a glorious day when that green star cluster goes up. Until then keep your local lists updated, hit the range, exercise your mind and body, learn skills. Oh and avoid the african, avoid the muslim, avoid the jew, and of course avoid the orc.
    Carry on

    1. And if there are three gathered with you who are not related to you, one is a Fed, or is surveilled by them.
      John in Indy

  6. Been thinking about this for a day now. Suppose you set up an account at your favorite gun store, liquor store or whatever and just pay into it. All the stazi would see is payments but no sale. Someday you walk out with something but no money changed hands.

    1. I have my grandma SS card, that says that it is not to be used for ID purposes.
      The government through executive order can control the money because of the illegitimate Federal Reserve.
      I don't advocate violence of any kind. If you choose that route, know that in the end, you will be killed. That was something that the Founding Fathers were willing to accept. We can't forget the example of their bravery and what happened to most of them AND their families.
      If you do decide to resort to violence, first study recent history, from Ruby Ridge to Waco to the Bundy Ranch murder of yet another hero, Mr. Finicum.
      The Feds MO is to isolate and then kill when the advantage is theirs.
      The novel Unintended Consequences by the late John Ross is available for download and a must read. I can send you a link for it if you want. Just ask and I will post it here or I will post my email. I have a few email addresses so it is not a problem.
      Above all, if you are not practicing op-sec it is not too late. Don't give anyone ammunition to shoot you with.

    2. Did not know John Ross had died. I wonder what's going to happen to the re-write of the "Unintended Consequences" novel he was working on.


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