
Monday, March 27, 2023

Commentary: The Problematic Rise of ‘Media Literacy Education’

New Jersey is enlisting public-school teachers and librarians to show children how to combat what it calls the grave threat of disinformation.

“Our democracy remains under sustained attack through the proliferation of disinformation,” Gov. Phil Murphy said in signing the nation’s first law mandating “information literacy” instruction for all K-12 students. The law, which aims to provide students with the “critical thinking” skills necessary to differentiate between “facts, points of view, and opinions” will, Murphy proclaimed, ensure “that our kids … possess the skills needed to discern fact from fiction.”


  1. So, nj has not been teaching critical thinking skills to their students.
    Just what have they been teaching the kids?

  2. While I agree that critical thinking and discernment skills are MIA in our current society, I also am quite certain this is a feature of our “education “ system and not a bug. Dumbed down populations are much easier to control and steer. Same with diversity. Divide citizens into small groups and diminish all unifyng principles like God and Country and government can do anything it wants while pretending to serve their constituents needs. We the People have been hoodwinked. I could tell you how all this ends but I don’t want to spoil the surprise. Besides, it’s already been written down in some old book. Eod1sg Ret

  3. Considering who’s gonna be doing the “instructing”, I can picture Bezmenov up there nodding his head, saying, “yep, toldja.”

  4. What the hell does a current teacher, their union or librarians know about "OUR" Democracy? Every time they say that, hold on tight. Funny how Democracy is only their version which is actually Communism with a code word...

  5. Sounds great. I'm sure this will help keep the kids "safe" from believing modern day "dangerous extremists" like Elon Musk and Joe Rogan.

    I can't fathom allowing children to be exposed to public schools in this day and age. Whatever you have to sacrifice to home school them, bear in mind the cost of not making that sacrifice is losing the minds of your children to the state.

  6. I remember my 8th grade civics teacher (in the early 70's) telling us how to read editorials with a healthy skepticism. Step one: Who wrote it?


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