
Monday, March 27, 2023

Pushy bitch, ain't he?

This is the shocking moment an LGBTQ activist blocks the Texas senate's sergeant in arms from taking the mic from a trans speaker - who compared lawmakers to Nazis as they consider criminalizing drag shows.

Loren Perkins, a transgender woman, appeared at the state capital on Thursday to provide public comment on a few laws that would prohibit drag performances in the Lone Star State.

Perkins was seen in a viral video on TikTok with more than 5 million views speaking to lawmakers past her two-minute speech mark as a security guard identified as Austin Osborn approached her from behind. 


  1. Publicity obsessed freaks. Drag is all about attention. Nothing about choosing a sexual identity requires flaunting it in public.

  2. Why do you use the words "she" and "her" in reference to this MAN? Using their language and promoting their lies, only furthers their agenda. This is a MAN, dressed like a woman (or mutilated to pretend to have female-like genitals). Identify him as such.

    1. If you'll calm the fuck down and look a little closer, you'll see that I didn't use the word 'she', I used the word 'HE' in the caption.
      As far as the actual story goes, I didn't write the fucking thing, and I damned sure can't rewrite it.
      So while I agree with your comment, you left it in the wrong place. You should've left it in the publisher's article, not my post.

    2. I don't know how you deal with idiots like anon above, 'cutter.

  3. Wood chip the lot of them.....

  4. almost makes you want to convert everything to muslim and have these folks get free skydiving lessons.

    1. I honestly wonder sometimes if it would be worth the effort to try convincing some of these people to fly somewhere like Iran or Saudi Arabia (this would be ideal, the US government won't have much to say) so they can help the "oppressed LBGTQblahblah community" overcome the tyrants. Things would sort themselves out.

  5. I will never forgive the current batch of activists for rehabilitating the nazis.

  6. Yet are they going to press charges against the 'activist' that used physical force to block the official duties of the SIA? As you can surmise, not holding my breath. Until they start holding people accountable for their actions, nothing will change.

  7. Can we not just use the word Pretend for "trans" going forward? Pretend man, pretend woman, pretend dolphin. It is much more accurate, and we should not be using opposition redefined terms. It is a much more accurate representation.

    1. Tell that to the publication that published the article, not me who just linked it.

    2. I didn't mean you wirecutter, just me opining on a better use of language in today's times. No offense meant.

    3. No sweat, GI.
      I do agree with you, though. When I'm corresponding by email with friends about the subject, I use the preferred pronoun 'it'.

  8. As he "approached her from behind..."

    Oh, shivvers!

  9. Have you considered using the html code for a blockquote? If I tried using it here it would probably put my reply in a quote and you would not see the code. This link shows how :

    It'd keep this confusion from happening because, in all reality, the words look like they're yours without it.

    1. All the reader has to do is click the blue (signifying a link) word 'MORE' and it'll take him right to the page where he'd see they're not my words. I thought everybody knew that.
      And I have to be honest with you, I'm looking to spend less time working on this blog, not more.

    2. Hell, they must not have spent too much time here if they thought you would use some freak's incorrect pronouns.

    3. I'm thinking he must not have spent much time online anywhere if he thinks I wrote the article, especially after clicking the link and being re-directed to another site.
      I'm not surprised though, given the amount of comments I get on posts by people who obviously didn't bother to click on the link before offering their opinion.

  10. Oh, I think "it" will suffice. covers both


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