
Monday, March 06, 2023

"Did we not tell you to quit stealing?"

Walmart has announced it is permanently closing all of its locations in Portland months after its CEO warned of a historic rise in theft at its stores.

The locations, located at the Delta Park and Eastport Plaza shopping centers in North and Southeast Portland, will shutter Friday, March 24, the retail colossus revealed in a statement this week. 

Walmart says they are closing the stores - which serve as a haven for low-income shoppers across the city - because they were not meeting financial expectations.


  1. I've had to fix some equipment twice in the past couple moths at the Delta Park location. At the door (smaller Walmart with only one entrance) they had three armed guards on the outside (complete with rifles, vests, and sidearms) and three just inside the door (equipped the same). There was a huge difference in their customers (appearance and attitude) compared to half a year ago when they only staffed a couple of guys running around with radios.

    About a year ago, this location had a "customer" go behind the counter in the electronics department and (from what I was told) dancing on top of their equipment and urinating. The police had to pepper spray and apply a taser to subdue the "customer".

  2. HA! Let the shoplifters starve! It's far better than what they actually deserve!

  3. I worked at a local Walmart and was constantly surprised at the fact people will steal anything, literally. I was constantly finding the wrappers, boxes cellophane from stolen goods.

    1. Yeah, I worked at one as a kid, and it was pretty crazy how much stuff was stolen on a regular basis. Although... I was convinced someone was stealing the same kind of candy bar every, single, day. Turns out, the overnight shelf stocker for my department loves that kind of candy bar, and was just lazy about where he left his snack wrappers.

  4. Bob's Red Mill is headquartered in Milwaukee, OR outside of Portland. They sent a letter to their customers proclaiming solidarity with something something, and Black Lives Matter. A real head shaker. I replied, that while I had never once purchased their product based on their politics, I never will again because of them.

    The idiocracy makes you want to root for the savages.

    1. Thanks for the info. NO MORE Bob's Red Mill for us.

  5. Civilization... lost

  6. seen this happen many times before. back in philly. a local supermarket would lose thousands per week to assholes stealing everything they could. and then they bitch about having no stores to shop at ?
    but until people start dealing with the shoplifters not much chance of anything changing.
    average time of a store back in philly was 2 maybe 3 years before they closed the doors.
    and they "they" would start bitching about having no where to "buy" food and things .
    just remember this, they will travel to get stuff. so, when the music stops. they will be coming into your area to get what is "theirs" they are are already robbing in the "burbs"
    expect this to get a lot worse as time goes by.

    1. Every time I start thinking I can get a decent return on my modest collection of Freedom Dispensers and pay down my mortgage, I see reports like this.
      Stay safe

  7. “Which is better…to have laws and agree, or to hunt and kill.” Lord of the Flies.

  8. Fook um. More business need to leave the liberal shit holes. Then guard the roads and keep the liberals in the cities. Let them figure it out from there.

  9. 20 years ago I was in a c-store in South Chicago (Pershing Ave, I believe) where both the clerk and everything for sale was behind bulletproof glass. It was pay-in-advance, no refunds or exchanges. You got your goods via a turn-barrel. Perhaps that is the future of inner-city retail.

    1. Philly guy here. Back in the day(late '70s), I once bought from a fast food place in the 40-hundred block of Chestnut street(Philly folk will know) that had no inside contact and product was delivered by turn barrel. Freaked me right out, but I was in an armored car myself, only way I'd voluntarily stop in that area.
      Stay safe

  10. If all box stores closed their doors in Blue states maybe the democrats would get it. Nah, they wouldn't, they are just too fuckin stupid.

  11. Exactly the reason I hated to see more bus lines coming out of the city into my town.
    A bus stop now a half mile away, get onto the MTA in the ghetto, get off in whiteys neighborhood.

    I now double lock my doors ...

    ... during the day.

  12. They'll just drive to the next nearest Wally.
    Steve S6

  13. It’s obvious Walmart is RACIST.


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