
Thursday, March 30, 2023

Fucking buzzkills



  1. Wife is on a hospital funding board. "What about all the fentanyl & it's effect on hospital?".
    It doesn't. "You're either dead, nothing we can do, Or you sleep it off, nothing we need to do."

    Is this a sad but true assessment?

  2. When I was still working, a hospital in Cape Cod called me and ordered a new phone. Not a new installation, just replacing a phone that a drug addict who had been brought in and resuscitated had stolen on his way out the door after being released.
    But the story has a happy ending, the addict went home and used the rest of his drugs, overdosed again and when the ambulance arrived to transport him they found the phone (with a property sticker, CCH) and popped it onto the gurney with him and brought both back to the hospital.
    As I said, happy ending. He didn't make it this time.

  3. Darwin’s Natural Selection is a bitch. I say let them gooooo

    And put free guns and free ammo on street corners in the black sections/areas of the blue run hives. Then stand back and let er go.

  4. Only one? That's it, I've eaten my last Whopper!


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