
Monday, March 06, 2023
SPLC Lawyer Arrested in Atlanta Molotov Cocktail Riot, Faces Terrorism Charges
A staff attorney at the Southern Poverty Law Center, a left-leaning civil rights group notorious for branding mainstream conservative and Christians nonprofits “hate groups,” was arrested Sunday on terrorism charges, with police saying he took part in a violent riot where agitators threw rocks, Molotov cocktails, and fireworks at police at a training center near Atlanta.
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So far of the 35 arrested, 23 have been identified. 2 are from Georgia. I know you're as shocked as I am.
Awesome! Now let's see some of these SOBs get fuking convicted! I don't want to waste precious ammo on a bunch of fuking pussies!
ReplyDeleteEven at $1.20 per round, a 30-06 is a bargain for this purpose; it’ll get the job done.
DeleteHang 'em! One tree and one rope can be used many times. Interrogate the living shit out of them, find out ALL of the accomplices and/or members of the cell, then televise the hangings. Make them mandatory viewing in every journalism and poli-sci class on every college campus in the country.
DeleteMaybe I'm in the minority, but fuck the police. https://www.insider.com/lisa-edwards-woman-dies-stroke-knoxville-police-say-acting-2023-2 Seems like you can't go one day without seeing a story about something similar, not necessarily resulting in death, but blatant violations of civil rights. You're never in more danger than when the police are around. I'll say it again, fuck the police.
ReplyDeleteCompicated story, and the press spun it a a police problem. Real issue was that the lady was aggressive,hostile, and a problem patient. Yes, she had a real problem. The hospital misdiagnosed her and wanted her out- so they trespassed her. Cops were faced with an out of control person the HOSPITAL said was OK. So the cops could either argue about her diagnosis or do their job, which was to remove a trespasser. Cops did not cover themselves with glory here- but the cause of the problem was a badly understaffed hospital that made a bad call about her problem.
DeleteAn SPLC domestic terrorist? How can this possibly be? The SPLC were the clowns who wrote the book on Right-Wing Extremism based domestic terrorism and handed the playbook to the Dems during Obama's days.
ReplyDeleteWhat a frickin' joke we're living through. Too bad it's not a funny joke.
Mostly peaceful rocks, mostly peaceful Molotov cocktails, mostly peaceful fireworks.
ReplyDeleteCan't we just send them back one mostly peaceful 9mm piece of lead?
Didn't someone (maybe a cop) do that a few months ago?
DeleteMostly peaceful 12 ga. flechette rounds and mostly peaceful napalm strikes, accompanied by mostly peaceful AC130 passes while they're all in one spot. Repeat at the Democratic National Convention, and fry their enablers at the same time.
DeleteThey never learn. Nemo
ReplyDeleteSPLC is a despicable un-American POS organization.
ReplyDeleteThat might qualify as the understatement of the century.
DeleteThat is one crap organization in a shithole town. The SPLC attorney/punk hopefully faces disbarment; he’s throwing away a great opportunity from a decent education to work for a junior grade ACORN style group. Locals are getting beyond tired of this crap. Yeah, the cops screw up and when they’re bad, they’re really bad. But this center also could be an opportunity for them to improve. I’ll say that when the EBT’s start to flash red, and the Orc’s are coming up I75, I will want some well-trained blue liners at least getting in their way before they hit my hood. And when they do, I’m scoping on the ones in all-black first (especially the skinny white attorney-looking one) before leveling on the general homies out looking for grub and TV’s. Not saying that the LE will be effective, but at least they will have a chance to actually do their job instead of making life hard for the peasants.
ReplyDeleteSo you think that when it goes sideways, the police suddenly remember their oath, standing between you and the barbarian horde, instead of grabbing all the .mil swag they can from the station, grabbing the wife, the kids, finding a hide somewhere and never looking back? That's your scenario? Yeah, good luck.
DeleteHell of a comment, one scenario I had not considered.
DeletePoppa Gary. As a famous man once said, "You know the score, pal? If you're not cops, you're little people." I'd be more worried about the blue line gang coming for me and mine, than the urban yoots. I mean, look at how they treat people now, on camera, and under color of law. Just imagine when there's no law but them.
DeleteDon't forget, heroin addict Jerry Garcia willed a guitar to the SPLC that they later sold for two million dollars.
ReplyDeleteThank you for your support, Jerry.
As a Georgia taxpayer I am pissed that my tax dollars spent on all this ammo are not being used to stack up bad guys bodies like cordwood
ReplyDeleteAvert your eyes as noting will ever happen here. Move along, eat your bugs serf, now back to work to pay your taxes for reparations, and to fuel the jew central banks. Oh and let’s send a few billion more to Ukraine.
ReplyDeleteHey Kenny;
ReplyDelete"left Leaning.....:...." Man that is rich, they think Stalin and Marx are pikers, The SPLC did great busting up the Klan, and since then have been looking to recapture their glory days and swinging further left in search of their "Next Klan". That is why they have labeled soo many conservative group as "Hate Groups", hoping one will finally fit the profile and let them bask in the sunshine of success.
A felony conviction would be nice. I hope the dickhead still has student loans he needs to pay off.
ReplyDeleteThe lawyer is an idiot-he should have thrown in with Hunter and started pulling down $600K/year from Burisma.
ReplyDeleteTwo points: the SPLC is not “left leaning”, it is, like antifa, Stalinist and, in a contest between Stalinists and the remarkably corrupt Atlanta police, I’ll take a pass, thank you. I hope they both come to ruin
ReplyDeleteFrom Georgia Code regarding destructive devices (of which includes Molotov Cocktails, specifically) Any person convicted of a violation of this Code section shall be punished, in the case of an individual, by imprisonment for not less than one nor more than 15 years or by a fine of not more than $25,000.00 or both or, if the defendant is a corporation, by a fine of not less than $10,000.00 nor more than $75,000.00 or not fewer than 1,000 nor more than 5,000 hours of community service or both. (Ref: https://advance.lexis.com/documentpage/?pdmfid=1000516&crid=9babfabc-7f23-45f3-b0a6-e69e2755ba04&nodeid=AAQAAIAAFAAF&nodepath=%2FROOT%2FAAQ%2FAAQAAI%2FAAQAAIAAF%2FAAQAAIAAFAAF&level=4&haschildren=&populated=false&title=16-7-83.+Persons+convicted+or+under+indictment+for+certain+offenses.&config=00JAA1MDBlYzczZi1lYjFlLTQxMTgtYWE3OS02YTgyOGM2NWJlMDYKAFBvZENhdGFsb2feed0oM9qoQOMCSJFX5qkd&pddocfullpath=%2Fshared%2Fdocument%2Fstatutes-legislation%2Furn%3AcontentItem%3A6348-FV61-DYB7-W0R1-00008-00&ecomp=8gf5kkk&prid=ca61ce63-dfe7-444e-b1d8-75fd3857c64c)
ReplyDelete...and let's not forget the Eff Bee Eye, who is designating parents and Catholics praying silently outside of an abortion clinic as domestic terrorists, are nowhere to be found and didn't know this was going to happen.
ReplyDeleteThey'd rather be entrapping militia members into crimes or just outright killing militia members family members while that family member is holding a baby or inciting riots at the Capitol building.