
Friday, March 10, 2023

The shit I could've/would've/should've posted on Facebook






















  1. you are right. no one with a brain is "with" uke land.
    and the evil in this country is insane anymore. why else are they trying like hell to get our weapons. they know that people with guns do not get in cattle cars or stand up against a wall

    1. The meme is confused. That is a Putin supporter.

    2. Yup. I'm at the age where my life in the past is a lot longer span than what's ahead of me and I know where I'm going, so I'm not too worried if I go down fighting for what I believeni n.

    3. Anon@2:50 - This isn't Aesop's site, ya know.

    4. hate to break this to you. but we are not the good guys here. and we have not done anything good in a while now. like the last 30 plus years ?
      it is the clowns in action guys with the morons at state pulling the strings here.
      there is nothing fair or free about anything they do. it is all about making money for themselves and fuck everyone else. you never see their kids going into a war zone. and people wonder why the rest of the world hates us ?
      power and money. that is all that is behind this shit.
      I loathe the "people" in dc.

    5. Anon@3:25 - who are you talking to when you say 'hate to break it to you'? Me or one of the other 3 Anons?
      Fuck, I hate it when people use the anon bullshit. I know I'm not the only one who can't tell who's who or who they're talking to.

    6. People with guns do sit on their ass while elections are apparently "stolen ". They do that very well, you have to admit.

    7. #8 A crazy old friend of mine would walk into a bar. If the tender was a women and asked, What will you have? He would reply. "Well, I came here to get bred but if I can't get bred I'll take biscuits." He is long dead but was a great old guy.

    8. The American Revolution occurred from 1764 to 1774, the lead up to that occurred from about 1680. The people with guns sat on their asses and then picked up their guns and destroyed the British and plunged the world into a world war. Those with guns and a little knowledge are well aware of the consequences. Civil war is not a walk in the park.

    9. Evil is never insane, it is always evil.....

    10. Anonymous March 10, 2023 at 3:36 PM, I didn't see you shooting anyone....

    11. I have to agree with Wirecutter, that Highlander made the best comment here in awhile. Just because people are not engaging in active warfare doesn't mean that they are not paying attention and ready. As he said, Civil war is not a walk in the park. Especially in a nation with around 335 million people in it, with at least that number of firearms. The number of dead or wounded would be staggering. And I hope that no one wants that.

    12. wirecutter, I am the anon at 2.06 and 3.25. and I was not talking about you.
      I pretty sure you have your head on right and wonder why we even fighting this stupid shit. what has the last couple of wars got us ? not one damn thing.
      war without end are killing this country. or rather the people who end up fighting in them. read the arms of Krupp. you never look at war again the same way again.
      the assholes in DC think they can get away with anything. they never have been punched in the face and it shows. the only "people" who make out in any war are the bankers and weapons makers and the people who work for them in gov't.
      the assholes in DC got rich off them. dave in pa.

    13. Some of us watched Yugoslavia in the '90s. We'd be that by several orders of magnitude.

    14. "The American Revolution occurred from 1764 to 1774..."

      What?? Did I miss something. The American revolutionary war started with the battles of Lexington and Concord on April 19, 1775 and ended with the treaty of Paris on September 3, 1783.

      "Civil war is not a walk in the park."

      That, I will certainly agree with.

      One other thing - why are there so many anonymous comments now...
      Kenny, I don't know what changed with comments on your site, but I used to be able to comment here and my default ID was "Roy". Now the default is "Anonymous" and I have to go and explicitly change it every single time I comment. Sometimes I forget until after I hit post. It's too late then. I'm sure there are quite a few others that have the same problem.

    15. Dave in PA: Thanks, and I agree with you.
      What I find funny is people feeling like they have to choose a side like it's a sports game or something between two nations that are proven liars and masters of propaganda. We've got enough problems of our own without taking on anybody else's.

  2. #3 I'm good with a little vengence right about now. It is needed badly!!

  3. Hey Aesop. Do these Fuck heads realize the intent of "the shit I posted on fb " ? The one about prostate cancer,,,,lmfao.
    Scott, in Ohio. Have a great weekend, Ken

    1. I don't think it was Aesop. He didn't spew insults the way Aesop does. Plus Aesop's so long winded he takes up 3 comment forms to say something that could've been said in 3 sentences.

    2. Probably not the best place to spew insults, comment moderation aside

    3. Can you imagine ordering dinner with Assop? It would take an hour to just peruse the menu. Which is why I think he's a she, he just acts and talks like a woman.

    4. To the dipshit that brought up Putin;
      It’s not only possible, but likely that someone who doesn’t support the “current thing” in Europe isn’t a Putin puppet.
      Although it’s next to impossible to troll with posts like your, and NOT be a NWO gender-confused, graduate of parroting a 26 year old groomer “professor.

  4. It's amazing that no-one has taken out that scumbag Zelensky and his stunt double given the number of publicity events he has. Just sayin'😉

    1. What the fuck? These are memes. Untwist your panties

    2. I agree. I thought these were funny but the comments get into some dip shit.

  5. Even though I'm logged into my Google account, it won't let me post when I pick that. It did not used to let me put in my name and site, but it just did. I don't know if it will end well, but I'm trying it now to quit having to remember to sign my name. Anyway, I think Highlander made a great point.

    1. Well, I'll be a monkey's uncle... er... aunt.

  6. Yup. I'm at the age where my life in the past is a lot longer span than what's ahead of me and I know where I'm going, so I'm not too worried if I go down fighting for what I believen in

    So, it's NOT just me. I'm in.

  7. To the whole "pick up a gun and do something" anonymous fucks... I'm in agreement with Highlander and those who understand the "men who just wanted to be left alone." War is serious, and for those of us who have been in one, never want to see it again. At this point, we know we will see it and ain't happy with the fact. For you who do post anonymous, the .gov already knows who you are. Me? I'm the grumpy ol' vet known as...
    Original Grandpa


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