
Thursday, March 02, 2023

'There wasn't a math formula'

San Francisco's African American Reparations Advisory Committee has admitted it did not use a mathematical formula to calculate the amount it wants to pay each long-term black resident for decades of discrimination. 

The 15-member committee proposed $5 million reparation payouts in January, as well as debt forgiveness and $97,000 guaranteed incomes.


  1. The reason is because math is racist.

    1. As they say, those blacks can’t add, subtract or divide, but boy can they multiply!

  2. How about 1 million per person and a one way ticket to the African country of your choice. And neither you or your descendants may set foot on American soil ever again.

    1. Wakanda here they go!

    2. Yeah, I don't see a long waiting list for trips back to the old country, so to speak. I guess the US isn't racist enough to get them to leave. One story mud huts with corrugated tin roofs and no running water or electricity aren't attractive. Who knew?

  3. History of the Fillmore District, looks like Roosevelt forced the Japanese out, blacks moved in for wartime work, later whites moved in during the hippie era. Interesting article.,several%20clubs%20and%20theaters%20there.

  4. Math? We doan need no steenkin' MATH!

  5. How about zero! No slaves are alive today and there are no slave owners either. Just another way to rip whitey off.

  6. There never is....

  7. $5M one-time payment, AND debt forgiveness, AND $97k guaranteed income?!

    Seems like with $5M they could pay their debts. Or pay them with the $97k income.

    The gall! The chutzpah! The audacity! The cheek!

  8. $97K and $5Mil?
    Each? Or in total?

  9. They pulled that $5 million figure figuratively...And since it's San FranFagShow... possibly literally, out of their ass.

  10. Wouldn't that be a 'maffs' formula?

  11. Of course not. That would require analytical thinking and concrete variables to base the amounts on, which could then be critiqued. Committees don't have that much collective IQ to operate analytically. They just go by gut feel and emotions.Whatever "feels fair." And totally subjective to the individuals on the committee, so by picking the right committee members, you can arrive at just about any amount you want.

  12. From decades of experience Liberals know it's easy to shell out taxpayer money to make yourself look like a hero.

  13. I never owned a slave, you were never a slave, and people should not be blamed for things they didn't do or compensated for wrongs they never experienced.

    No matter how many times I run the numbers, my calculations always equal ZERO.

    1. The blacks owe us for all the doled out welfare, section 8, Medicaid and other gibs they’ve received without working and contributing to the Treasury. If you add on the cost of crime, then the scale tips very heavily towards them giving us white folk a few million each. If we didn’t have to pay for the upkeep of inner city blacks, we would have made MAJOR advances in medicine and eradicated most cancers, tackled heart disease, colonized outer space, developed controlled nuclear fusion etc. But governmental priorities win out and we’re stuck with what we’ve got.

  14. Let's just go back to slavery.

  15. Who needs math when you use other people's money.

  16. Math is waycist, so you can't expect them to do anything other than pull a number out of their asses.

  17. 6th grade education average between the 15

  18. This is gonna be fascinating. Clearly there is a limited pool of money available so it will have to be prioritized and prorated by the amount of damage - those with the highest amount of inherited DNA will presumably be entitled to the largest payment. This takes us back to measuring the amount of racial inheritance and setting a minimum amount of DNA to qualify. How much black blood does one need in order to Black ?

    1. Not much if Elisabeth Warren is anything to go by ...

      Phil B

  19. There very clearly was a formula. It's right there, in black and white...

  20. Maff raysis n sheeyit

  21. These people are plain stupid. NO math in their background.

  22. Obviously they hit the crack pipe before trying to figure out how much money they need for a life time of hitting the crack pipe.....

  23. Just wait until 3 million thugs, drug users and pimps can afford to move out of the ghetto and into gated communities. Get your popcorn ready because the White flight from California is about to go full tsunami.

  24. Those that survived the middle passage suffered a lot, but their descendants are better off than 99% of Africans in Africa. OTOH, we'd owe a lot to the descendants of the many that didn't survive, except we can't find any.


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